Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

To see the privacy policy for Mobile Applications, you can visit the following link.
  1. Who are we and what do we do?

1.1 We are DocSuite and our address is Al Arabiya Oud Architecture by Qassim Highway 41311, second floor, Medina, Saudi Arabia, telephone: 0148485214 by email to communicate ("DocSuite HCM", "We"," US ", "our") DocSuite is a brand name for an it software idea company.  DocSuite HCM offers the following products and services ("Products"):


  • HCM - a cloud-based SaaS solution for all HR and payroll operations is a strategic investment in human resources to boost performance and growth.


1.2 in offering products, DocSuite HCM will process personal data.  This document explains how DocSuite HCM processes personal data.  This includes personal data collected when you use our website ("the Site") and products (together, the "Services").


  1. What does this policy cover?

2.1 DocSuite HCM takes your personal data seriously and processes it in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.  DocSuite HCM acts as the 'controller' (i.e. the person responsible for making decisions on how your personal data is processed) and has adopted this Privacy Policy ("Policy") to establish and maintain the privacy and security of your personal data.  This policy:


(A) specify the types of personal data we collect about you;

(B) explain how and why we collect and use your personal data;

(C) explain how long we retain your personal data;

(D) explain how we will share your personal data – when, why and with whom;

(E) explain the different rights and choices you have when it comes to your personal data;

(F) explain the security measures we apply to protect your personal data;  And

(G) explain how we can contact you and how you can contact us.


2.2 Please understand that by accepting this Policy and providing any personal data to us, you agree to the policy


We may collect, use, disclose and retain this data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and as permitted or required by law.  If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not accept them or provide any personal data to us.


2.3 Please also note that we will not be able to respond to you, provide relevant services to you, or handle your inquiries unless you provide us with the requested personal data as described or referred to in this Privacy Policy, unless we indicate that the provision of personal data is optional.


  1. What personal data do we collect about you and how do we collect it?

3.1 We collect content, communications and other information that you provide to us when you use our Services, including when you register for an account (if relevant) or communicate with us, including via email.  This includes your name, email address, phone number, business name (where relevant), location/country and payment information (where relevant),


3.2 We also collect certain additional personal data based on the products you use:


  • For DocSuite HCM , we need to conduct customer and KYC due diligence which includes the collection and processing of the following information:


O  Identity Verification: ID number, place of issue, end date, issue date.

O  Commercial Registration Verification: Commercial Register number, UNN, entity name, issue date, expiry date, business type, place of issue, owner name, manager name.

 Other information: Port name, address, contact, contact details, and any other information you may provide to us during the joining process.


  • For DocSuite HCM, the information we collect includes:


O  Commercial Registration Information (Commercial Registration number, UNN, entity name, issue date, expiry date, type of work, place


Issue, name of owner, name of manager, as applicable)

O  Identity information (ID number, place of issue, end date, issue date, as applicable)

 Registration information in VAT

Records of  meetings/meetings

Any  other information you provide to us


3.3 in addition, we also collect the following personal data:


(A) Usage: We collect information about how you use our Services, such as the time, frequency and duration of your browsing activities, and how you use the features provided by the Services.


(B) Device information: We combine information about the devices you use, such as the model and type of device you use to access our Services, operating system, hardware and software version with other technical information (such as  your IP address, serial number, type and model of the device, whether computer or mobile, and all smart devices).


(C) your opinions about our products and services: Information you share, assessing your experiences and satisfaction with providing or receiving our products or services or otherwise dealing with us.


  1. The cookies

4.1 when you use our website, we also use cookies to collect personal data from your device to help us improve the services offered, and to facilitate your access to our services, for example allowing you to reuse our services on the same device without having to log in or adjust your preference settings each time.  We automatically collect web statistics about your visit to our website based on  your IP address. This information is used to help us improve your experience on our website.


  1. Where do we collect personal data about you?

5.1 We collect your personal data directly from you any such personal data that you provide us with when you use our services or communicate with us, we also collect your personal data through the posting of cookies as described above.  We may also collect personal data from you


When you visit our offices (for example through the use of surveillance cameras).  We may also collect personal data from your organization, any relevant third party partner and from government entities as follows:


  • Identity information collected from ELM (government entity) through API integration
  • Business register information collected from Wathiq (a government entity) through API integration


  1. How and why do we use your personal data?

6.1 We use your personal data for the following purposes:


(A) send you information about our products and services

(B) respond to your communications and requests;

(C) manage our relationship with you or your organization

(D) manage our relationship with third party partners and reviewers

(E) Billing and payment;

(F) dealing with any disputes;

(G) providing our services to you;

(H) to verify you under KYC, AML, examine penalties and conduct due diligence;

(I) Marketing – including contacting you via email, postal mail, or phone (including via SMS) regarding  HCM products, services, surveys, research studies, promotions, Special events and other topics that we believe may be of interest to you or your organization on the basis of your consent as described by your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable law.  We will provide you with the ability to choose from promotional and marketing communications;

(J) personalize the content and services we provide through our Services and generally;

(K) to help us better understand your interests, needs and those of your organization, and to improve our Services;

(L) engage in analysis, research, and reporting regarding the use of our Services;

(M) Training;

(N) Archiving;

(O) secure our services and systems;

(P) comply with any procedures, laws, and regulations that may apply to us;

(Q) establish, exercise or defend a right

(T) in the "Hudur ESS attendance" " ESS" application of the DocSuite HCM program, employees have the possibility to submit self-service and ESS applications, as well as the possibility to register attendance and leave by checking the vital image of the face and geographical location.  This application also provides the feature of tracking and monitoring the location of employees via their mobile devices during working hours and only their workday, where this information is sent to their profiles in the company’s human resources department to ensure they adhere to the specific workplace without causing any inconvenience to them.  It is noteworthy that employees are alerted to this process and ask them to approve it in advance through mobile notification when running the application for the first time and they are fully aware of it to enhance transparency and confidence, the application provides detailed reports on the attendance and departure record of employees, allowing the management to evaluate the performance of employees accurately.  These reports include work pattern analyzes and productivity assessments, contributing to improved work environment and team efficiency.  This step is part of our commitment to balancing work requirements and employee well-being, while maintaining a high level of discipline and responsibility.


The Legal Act;

(R) Prevention and detection of crime and fraud;

(S) Health and safety protection and safety;

(T) Compliance with contractual requirements;  And

(E) carry out our internal business purposes, such as business transactions, audits, and data analysis


  1. How long do we retain your personal data?

7.1 the length of time we retain personal data is usually dependent on the purposes for which we collected and used it and/or as required to comply with applicable laws.  Once we do not need to retain your personal data, we will take reasonable steps to erase it from our systems and ensure that it is erased from those systems where it is processed on our behalf.


  1. With whom do we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data with the following:


(A) Companies within our group: We may share your information within our group in order to process your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

(B) New Owner: If the ownership or control of HCM changes, or part or all of the Services, we may transfer your information to the new Owner.

(C) Third Party Service Providers and Partners: We may work with third party partners (including it providers and developers) to:

  • Improving and delivering our services,
  • To develop, display and deliver products and services that we consider will be of interest to you,
  • To make payments.


When we share your information with these people, we will do so to the extent required for the purposes listed above.  We will impose restrictions on how such persons use and disclose the data we provide in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


(D) Government authorities:  HCM may share your personal data with various government authorities in response to inquiries you may make and to assist us in carrying out our operations and responding to the request


Travels.  Also, we may share your personal data with various government entities in response to legal proceedings;  To establish and/or enforce our rights (including under our terms and conditions) or to protect our property;  To defend against legal claims;  Or as required by law;  We reserve the right to raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us.  We may also share your personal data when we believe it is appropriate to investigate illegal or suspected illegal activities.

(E) our employees, agents, consultants and contractors: We may share your information with such persons and entities in order to process your information as described in this Privacy Policy.  Any participation will be in terms of protecting your information.

(F) banks, payment providers and payment technology providers: Where DocSuite uses HCMPAYS, we will share   your information as follows:

  • Bank: Basic information such as merchant name, address, city, UNN number/trade register number, and device number information shared to set up merchant in the bank system
  • SAMA (Central Bank): Regulatory reports that typically include, merchant name, device, transactions and volume, and complaints.


  1. Third party links and features

9.1 our Website may contain links to third-party websites such as social media sites, and may also contain third-party integrations and functionality.  If you choose to use these sites or features, you may disclose your personal data not only to those third parties, but also to their users


 And the wider public depends on how their services work.   HCM is not responsible for the content or practices of those sites or services.  The collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data will be subject to the privacy policies of external websites or services, not this Privacy Policy.  We encourage you to read the privacy and security policies of those third parties.


  1. International storage and transport

10.1 by accepting this Privacy Policy, you consent to the storage of your information within or outside of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  DocSuite may entrust  the processing of your data to, or share your data with, service providers located within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  These third parties may be involved in, among other things, providing goods and services to you, processing transactions, payments and/or providing support services.  By accepting this Privacy Policy, you consent to any such transfer of storage or use.


We will always comply with any requirements relating to the international transfer of personal data under applicable laws.  For more information about these transport mechanisms, please contact us using the contact details below.


  1. Security of your personal data

11.1 We consider the confidentiality and security of your personal data to be of the utmost importance.   HCM takes a variety of technical, administrative, and physical measures to protect your information from being disclosed to or accessed by third parties.  Please note that we do not guarantee the security of personal data, as there is no method of online transmission or storage that is completely secure.


  1. Changes to this Policy

12.1 Please note that we review our privacy practices from time to time and that these practices are subject to change.  Any change, update, or amendment that will take effect immediately upon posting on our website, you must review the Privacy Policy page permanently and periodically.


Update you via email.  You should read and accept the policy every time it is updated.  Otherwise, your use of the Services is not permitted.


  1. Your rights

13.1 you have certain rights under and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations including:


(A) right to be informed – to inform you of the valid legal or practical justification for the collection of your personal data, the purpose of such collection, and that your personal data should not subsequently be processed in a manner inconsistent with the purpose for which it was collected,  HCM complies with this requirement by providing this Privacy Policy to you. If you need more information in accordance with your rights under applicable laws and regulations, please inform us.

(B) the right to access your personal data – the right of you to access it and obtain a copy thereof

(C) the right to request the correction, completion or updating of your personal data controlled by HCM.

(D) the right to request the destruction or deletion of your personal data which  HCM does not need to be processed for the purposes for which it was collected.

(E) the right to withdraw your consent at any time, where we have relied on your consent to use and disclose your personal information.  If you do, we may not be able to provide services to you.


  1. How can you contact us?

14.1 if you are not satisfied with the way we handle your personal data, or have other questions about the processing of your personal data, contact us here

By e-mail to:


Office of Customer Service and Data Protection


Madinah, Saudi Arabia, Qassim Highway, Madinah 41311, second floor.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you consent to the above sharing and disclosure of your personal data to the extent that your consent is required in order for it to be lawfully disclosed under applicable laws and regulations.
