Reports and statistics

The largest professional reporting package for everything related to human resources management

View various data quickly and easily and make the right decisions based on countless professional statistics and reports, from the first employee reports, financial reports of all kinds, attendance and departure reports, leave reports, performance reports, and even reports that can be customized according to the data you need with the click of a button.

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Supports electronic billing by linking with Zakat and Tax Authority
Monthly report for human resources management

Monthly report for human resources management

Monitor and follow up on everything small and large related to human capital in your organization quickly and easily from your place and at any time using your mobile phone or any tablet device through a compiled report that monitors the rate of labor turnover and the average labor during the year and month, temporary, regular and volunteer labor, and shows statistics on employees who have left work and those continuing in it and who are issued. They reported problems, those against whom many or few complaints were filed, those who conducted personal interviews and were rejected, in addition to performance and quality evaluations, KPIs for employees, departments, and various departments, and much other information collected in organized data tables and innovative presentation methods such as graphs, analyses, statistics, and others.

Financial and accounting reports

Discover the power of a human resources management system to improve your financial and accounting processes. This innovative technology will allow you to easily create accurate and reliable reports, saving you time and effort and helping you make strategic financial decisions.

Insurance reports

Insurance reports

Get detailed and accurate reports on the Social Insurance Authority’s entitlements, whether the entitlements required of each individual employee or the company’s entitlements as a whole, in addition to comprehensive reports on the payments you have made over the contract period.

Expense and expense reports

Expense and expense reports

Carefully follow the disbursement of your facility's financial allocations through detailed reports on the movement of disbursement and spending on each allocation within your facility separately and make the right decisions regarding it.

Payroll reports

Payroll reports

Get detailed reports about the salaries of employees in your company and within the various branches, and also allow them to view salary details easily through personal accounts on the system or mobile application.

Financial order reports

Financial order reports

View and follow up on all financial requests for your facility’s employees from one place through consolidated or separate request reports according to the type of requests (advances, overtime, work expenses, etc.) or by employee, department, or department quickly, easily, and with extreme accuracy.

Overtime reports

Overtime reports

Obtain accurate reports on overtime hours for each individual employee, a specific department, or the facility as a whole, carefully review their financial entitlements before approving them, and allow employees to know the details of their overtime hours.

Advance reports

Advance reports

Carefully monitor employee advances and the progress of installments on their loans and see all their data from your mobile screen wherever you are through detailed reports on the dates of advances and loans, payment due dates, the amount of the advance, the sequence of installments, and other data.


Attendance and departure reports

Get ready to significantly improve your team's time management effectiveness! Discover the power and ease provided by the DocSuite attendance and attendance reporting system, where you will obtain accurate and comprehensive reports that enable you to monitor and improve the performance of your employees with ease and smoothness. Get started today and experience the best time management with DocSuite!

Attendance and departure reports
Attendance and Departure

Attendance and Departure

Monitor the attendance and departure times of all employees within your organization and in the company's various branches through accurate and detailed reports on the timing of each employee's attendance at the facility and the hour at which he left work, or even in the event that they work remotely.

Footprint reports

Footprint reports

View the recording of employee attendance, dismissal, and absences in various departments through professional fingerprint reports thanks to the synchronization between the system and various fingerprint devices, with the ability to export data to different file formats.

Working hours reports

Working hours reports

Detailed reports of the working hours of each individual employee, whether daily, weekly or monthly, and the ability to compare them with reports of working hours for the past months and obtain accurate statistics about each employee.

Attendance and departure requests

Attendance and departure requests

Obtain detailed reports of attendance and leave requests for each employee or for each department within your facility, and accurately identify requests for lateness, leave from work early, requests for absence, requests for remote work, and other requests.

Shift reports

Shift reports

Accurately identify the employees present for each shift in the various departments within your facility and follow the progress of work through accurate and professional shift reports that monitor for you the quorum of each shift, absences, and requests for the attendance and departure of each employee in the shift.

Overtime hours

Overtime hours

Review the overtime hours of each individual employee or the overtime hours of the facility as a whole and view their requests from one screen through detailed and accurate reports on overtime hours that employees can also easily view to enhance transparency.

vacations reports

vacations reports

vacations reports

Get detailed reports on employee vacations within different departments, as well as official vacations in accordance with the organization’s regulations and policies, with the ability to customize these reports to obtain vacations for a specific employee or department during a specific period.

Leave request reports

Leave request reports

Accurately view leave requests submitted by employees in the organization's various departments from your mobile screen at any time, wherever you are, to make appropriate decisions regarding them without any conflict in employee leave occurring and harming work progress.

Leave balance reports

Leave balance reports

Find out quickly and easily the leave balance of each employee within your facility individually and how much leave he has remaining throughout the year through professional reports that facilitate the work of the human resources management team within your organization and save more time and effort.

Performance and employee reports

Employee data and information

Employee data and information

View all employee data and information from one screen, whether contact information, qualifications, family, joining date, performance evaluations, etc. through comprehensive reports that can be customized and filtered.

Performance reports

Performance reports

Get detailed and organized reports on employee performance with the click of a button by using ready-made and customizable report templates to help you access and sell data as you need it.

Covenant reports

Covenant reports

Monitor employee custody and constantly follow up on its status through detailed reports on each individual employee’s trust, including the record of the trust, its status at the time of delivery and return, and its complete data, ensuring that you preserve your organization’s assets.

Order reports

Order reports

Quickly and easily know the requests of each employee within your facility, from the first attendance and departure requests, overtime hours, vacations, salary slips, and others, through detailed reports of all these requests in one place.

Reports and documents

Reports and documents

Pay attention in real time to official documents and documents that are about to expire and need to be renewed, whether for your facility or for employees, through comprehensive and customizable reports on everything related to the organization’s documents and documents.

Employee cost reports

Employee cost reports

Find out precisely the costs incurred by your facility to pay each employee for the services provided to him, such as social and health insurance, residency renewal, work license, training courses, travel tickets, and other job benefits that were disbursed from the organization’s funds.

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