DocSuite HCM powered by AI
Start managing your human capital smartly

Invest in the future of your human resources
<p style="text-align: left; ">Discover the capabilities of AI in DocSuite HCM</p>
Solutions for managing salaries, expenses and financial aspects
Discover our premium payroll and expense management solutions that ensure accuracy and effectiveness in financial management, giving you the time and confidence to focus on growing your business with confidence and calm.

Payroll administrator
A powerful and automated payroll management system that takes responsibility for managing salaries through its various stages, starting with calculating and preparing payrolls and ending with transferring them directly to employees’ bank accounts with one click of a button, away from annoying and unorganized spreadsheets and the complexities of Excel files. The system allows department heads and directors of various departments to create a multi-stage salary stream for employees working under their management, control additions, deductions, and various deduction ratios, with the ability to customize a series of approvals and approvals at each stage.

Expenses and staff expenses
A system for managing expenses and various work expenses through which it is possible to record and manage employees’ expenses related to work and the tasks assigned to them, such as travel expenses, external meetings, transportation expenses, fuel filling, and other expenses, and receiving requests for approval and payment of expenses as well, with the ability to customize a series of approvals for them. All this data is synchronized with the payroll manager so that it is paid automatically with the employees’ salaries or paid directly as soon as they are approved and approved without waiting for the salaries to be paid.

Integration with accounting systems
The DocSuite HCM program integrates via RESTful API seamlessly with all accounting systems, including those that do not support connectivity and integration, to enable the automation of all financial procedures and operations, and to ensure accuracy in calculating employee salaries and percentages of deductions for taxes, social insurance, deductions, etc., with the ability to export data. And share it in the form of files, such as the wage protection file and others.

Employee advances
The program provides a special system for managing employee advances through which one can apply for the advance, determine its series of approvals, register it after it is approved by officials, and specify all its data on the system, such as the duration of scheduling the advance, and the percentages of deductions from the employee’s salary to be synchronized with the payroll management system. To deduct it automatically according to the agreed upon value.
Solutions for tracking attendance, leave, and vacations
Enjoy the ease of managing and tracking the attendance and departure of your employees in an innovative manner with our smart solutions. From attendance recording to leave management, our platform offers you innovative solutions that make it easier for you to maintain accurate organization and increased effectiveness in HR management.

Monitoring attendance and departure
Save the time and effort of tracking attendance and departure and let the system undertake the tasks of monitoring the timing of employees’ entry and exit with great precision through various fingerprint devices, phone applications, or remote working hours, calculating working hours (official and overtime), monitoring absences and tardiness, and sending notifications and alerts to employees about being late to work. Issuing comprehensive reports daily, weekly, and monthly regarding the attendance and departure records for the entire organization and for each employee individually, and synchronizing all this data with the payroll administrator.

Register and manage vacations
Get rid of the traditional methods of receiving leave requests, whether via email or paper requests, which are done randomly and cause conflicts between the leaves of employees in different departments and disruption of work. With the DocSuite HCM leave management system, the employee can request leave - according to the type of leave - via the phone application, follow up on his approval status according to the series of approvals specified by the employer, and automatically synchronize his credentials with the attendance and leave control system to calculate the leave balance accurately and without signing any deduction from the salary.

Linkage with fingerprint devices & phone application
Bid farewell to tedious paper attendance and departure records and make it easier for employees to record their attendance and departure by linking the system with the facility’s fingerprint devices if they are working from the facility, or via a mobile application using geographical location if they are working remotely, providing a smart and flexible work environment away from Complexity.

Create shift schedules
Monitor commitment to work shifts from one screen at any time and from anywhere, and ensure that fines and discounts are applied to those who do not adhere to the shift schedule automatically without manual intervention through a mechanism for building and allocating unlimited shift schedules to different departments and linking them with the attendance and leave registration system and the payroll management system to ensure compliance. Commitment to attend and deduction from salary automatically in case of non-compliance.
Connectivity and integration solutions

Integration with Madad
The DocSuite HCM system integrates seamlessly with the Muddad digital platform in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ensure compliance with the wage protection system launched by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development by uploading employee wage files directly from the system, as well as facilitating the documentation of employee employment contracts and updating any related data, with the ability to The employee can easily verify the validity of his contract data and whether it will be accepted or rejected by the Absher system, ensuring the rights of both parties.

Linkage with the General Organization for Social Insurance Gosi
The ability to easily connect the DocSuite HCM system with the Gosi digital platform in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to facilitate the synchronization of facility employee data, employment contracts, and salary records to benefit from the organization’s services for companies, such as issuing an establishment certificate, registering new subscribers, or issuing a zakat and income certificate. Or documenting subscriber contracts, updating wages, and other services. All of this you can easily complete from the program screen without going to the institution.

Integration with resource management systems and local banks
DocSuite HCM integrates seamlessly with various enterprise resource management systems that you may be using to manage your company's resources, such as Oracle - SAP - Microsoft Dynamics - Fekra ERP and others. In addition to seamless integration with many certified accounting systems, local banks and financial solutions In Saudi Arabia, such as the First Saudi Bank (SAB) and the digital payment wallet STC pay.
Self-service and order management solutions

Self Service (ESS)
Make it easier for your employees to quickly and securely access data and obtain the services they need that do not require approvals without referring to HR department officials, such as extracting or downloading payslips, vacation balance, overtime hours and other self-services via the mobile application at any time. Wherever they are!

Managing employee requests
Provide your employees with more than 75 ready-to-use request forms that they can submit with the click of a button via the mobile application and the ability to track the status of all requests without the need to visit the HR department, such as requests for leave, secondment, work assignment, transfer, permission, advance and loan requests, and other HR employee requests.

Series of approvals
Have the ability to assign approvals, create and customize the approval chain and who is responsible for approval at each stage of any employee request until it is finally approved, with the ability to customize different chains depending on the type of request, department or other factors.
Employee performance management and evaluation solutions

staff performance Evaluation
Monitor the performance of employees accurately and transparently through the smart evaluation tools of the Doc Suite human capital management system, which gives you comprehensive reports on the performance of employees in various departments and their evaluations by responsible managers, with the ability to customize evaluation forms for employees and specify the elements on which the evaluation is based, along with specifying a value. Or the degree of each element, and assigning the right to adopt it to a specific person according to his job role.

Globally and locally compatible performance reports
Obtain monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual employee performance reports in compliance with global performance evaluation standards for human capital management based on the employee’s performance in carrying out the tasks assigned to him, commitment to attendance and departure, use of letter and request forms, record of disciplinary sanctions and other evaluation criteria in accordance with instructions and laws. Local work and official bodies.

Ready-made evaluation templates
Make it easier for department heads and managers to evaluate employee performance and quality of work and save time and effort required in the evaluation by relying on ready-made, easy-to-use performance evaluation templates with the ability to customize and modify these templates according to the type of job or the nature of the department or department and other variables.

Directing, assigning and following up on tasks
Allow department heads to assign and direct an unlimited number of tasks to department employees with the click of a button, and to keep up to date with the status of the task through the notification system from receipt to completion, and the ability to evaluate the employee’s performance for each task separately and synchronize it with employee performance tools and reports.
And many other digital human resources management solutions
Discover a world of benefits by requesting a demo now