مسير الرواتب

إعداد كشوف الرواتب ومراجعتها واعتمادها وتحويلها من مكان واحد
اترك لنظام مسير الرواتب DocSuite HCM الذكي مسؤولية تحضير كشوف الرواتب، والمراجعة الحسابية والمالية، وتحويل الرواتب إلى حسابات الموظفين البنكية بعد التحقق من الحركات المؤثرة على الراتب واستقطاعها أو إضافتها آليًا، مثل ساعات العمل الإضافي، أو السُلف والقروض، أو الخصومات، أو البدلات بأنواعها المختلفة، وغيرها دون أخطاء بفضل الأتمتة

احصل على عرض تجريبي مجانى
An unlimited number of payroll management capabilities in one system

An unlimited number of payroll management capabilities in one system

A fully automated payroll pipeline that combines the responsibilities and tasks of the HR team and the accounting and finance department without errors, away from manual procedures and paperwork.

إعداد كشوف الرواتب

تابع بسهولة ودقة توقيت حضور وانصراف الموظفين، واحتساب ساعات عملهم اليومية والساعات الإضافية، ورصد الغيابات والاجازات والتأخيرات، والحصول على تقارير يومية بتلك البيانات بشكل سلس ومنظم. كل هذا يتم من خلال الربط مع أجهزة البصمة في الشركة وتوفير تطبيق جوال لتسجيل الحضور والانصراف في حالة العمل عن بعد لإعداد كشوف منظمة.

المزيد حول فوائد مسير الرواتب

إدارة البدلات

قم بإنشاء أنواع مختلفة من البدلات على النظام، واختار طريقة احتساب البدل التي تتوافق مع اللوائح الداخلية للشركة، واترك للبرنامج مسؤولية تسجيلها واحتسابها ومعالجتها ومزامنتها مع مسير الرواتب لإضافتها إلى راتب الموظف تلقائيًا، مع القدرة على تخصيص سلسلة الموافقات الخاصة بها، واستبعاد البدلات عند احتساب مكافآت نهاية الخدمة أو مخالصة الإجازات.

تعلم كيف تدير بدلات الموظفين

Loan management

Say goodbye to the burden of repaying loans, following up on the payment of installments, and deducting them from the employee’s monthly salary according to the agreed upon installment value, and leave it entirely to the loan management system of DocSuite HCM, which works to automate the disbursement of loans after they are approved, follow up on their repayment according to the agreed upon plan, and synchronize its data with the payroll management system. To be automatically deducted.

More about employee loans

مُسيّر متعدد المراحل والصلاحيات

Give department heads and managers of various departments in the organization the ability to easily create a three-stage payroll process or more for employees working under their management, identify additions, deductions, and any deductions for each employee and record notes on each process, and the ability to customize the series of approvals for each stage that the payroll process passes through. .

المزيد حول أفضل نظام مسير رواتب

Managing and processing financial requests

Make it easy for employees to submit various financial requests through their personal accounts or mobile application without the need to visit the human resources department and consume more time and effort, whether they are requests for overtime hours, work expenses and compensation, advances and loans, etc., and leave the system responsible for processing and synchronizing them. With Payroll Manager to automatically reflect an employee's salary when payment is due.

Start turning financial reports into successful strategies

Transfer salaries with one click

Transfer employees' salaries on time to their bank accounts with the click of a button easily, quickly and securely after the payroll administrator prepares the statements, reviews them and processes all data and movements that affect the salary. The system provides you with more than one payment method, such as local banks, payment gateways, or the Madad platform, to ensure compliance with the wage protection system and file the wage protection file through it without leaving the system.    

Find out the difference between a payroll and a payslip

Expense and expense management

Follow the movement of disbursement of financial work allocations for the company's various departments, and control their management via mobile phone or any tablet device through the smart expense management system, which automates the processes related to expenses and automatically synchronizes them with the payroll manager after approval and approval by officials. The system allows employees to submit requests for payment or compensation from their personal accounts or the mobile application.

Control employee expenses and disbursements

Salary details

Alert employees about the completion of their salary transfer process in real time through the automatic notifications and alerts feature, and allow them to know the salary details at any time and wherever they are through the personal accounts feature and the ability to access data on the system itself or through the mobile application, with the ability to download the salary slip as a PDF file, Or send a detailed salary payment receipt via email to each employee automatically.

Learn everything about salary slips

One platform, unlimited solutions and capabilities

Businesses and various companies suffer from two things: managing documents (paper and electronic) in a safe and effective manner, and managing daily operations smoothly and under supervision and control (such as processing customer requests, managing forms, and managing transactions and procedures between different departments). Therefore, important features such as:

Data synchronization

In automating processes, the payroll manager relies mainly on the feature of synchronizing data between different software systems to facilitate procedures, most notably the data synchronization between the payroll manager, the attendance and departure tracking system, the leave system, self-applications, and other systems that may affect employees’ salaries.

Commitment to the wage protection system

The payroll management system, through the automation feature and through linking with the Madad platform, uploads the payroll file to the platform after paying the salaries and receiving the payroll file from the bank your facility deals with. To ensure compliance with the wage protection system in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia without any violations or errors occurring that expose the facility to accountability.

Powers and approvals

The DocSuite HCM payroll system provides the ability to create and customize a series of approvals for various financial requests and determine who is responsible for approving them and who is acting on his behalf, as well as specifying the payroll manager’s approval series after preparing and reviewing the statements so that they are paid automatically on time after approval by the administration.

Linkage with accounting systems

Ease of linking and integration with various accounting systems that support and do not support linking and integration thanks to the API interface with the Doc Suite human capital management system, to ensure the accuracy of financial accounting operations for human resources without exiting the program or the need to transfer data and records from one system to another.

GOSI compliant

The program calculates Social Insurance Authority benefits for each employee and for the total establishment, deducts them from the employees’ salaries automatically, and pays them on time thanks to agreement with the Authority and synchronization of data with the payroll manager. In addition to the possibility of obtaining comprehensive and detailed reports on insurance benefits.

Compliant with labor law

The program is designed to fully comply with the regulations and laws regulating labor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as the Wage Protection System, Social Insurance, End of Service Settlement, and others. In addition to full compatibility with the platforms and services responsible for this, such as the Muddad platform, First Saudi Bank, GOSI and others.


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