Procedures for leave authorization: a simplified journey

The employee begins by submitting a written request for leave permission specifying the type of leave requested (annual leave, sick leave, casual leave, ...) and the start date and duration of the leave. The request must also include the reason for r

topics / Policies, procedures and regulations
Procedures for leave authorization: a simplified journey
Procedures for leave authorization: a simplified journey

Vacation is a fundamental right of workers, granting them the opportunity to relax and recharge, which positively impacts their productivity and mental health. The procedures for vacation approval aim to organize the process of requesting and granting vacations, ensuring smooth workflow and fairness among employees.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the procedures for vacation approval.

Steps to Obtain Vacation Approval

The steps to obtain vacation approval may vary slightly from one organization to another, but generally follow these steps:

Submitting a Vacation Request

The employee begins by submitting a written vacation request specifying the type of vacation (annual leave, sick leave, casual leave, etc.), the start date, and its duration. The request should also include the reason for the leave, with supporting documents attached if it is a sick leave request (medical certificate). The request is submitted to the direct supervisor or the HR department, according to the organization's policy.

Reviewing the Request

The direct supervisor reviews the vacation request, ensuring the accuracy of the information provided and its compliance with the organization's leave policy. The supervisor also assesses the possibility of covering the employee’s duties during their absence, ensuring that the workflow is not negatively affected. If there are any remarks on the request, the supervisor communicates them to the employee for adjustments.

Approving the Request

After reviewing the request and confirming all details, the direct supervisor decides whether to approve or reject the request. In case of approval, the request is endorsed and the employee is informed. If rejected, the supervisor explains the reasons for the rejection and provides alternative solutions.

Recording the Leave

The vacation approval is recorded in the organization’s attendance and leave management system. This helps in tracking the remaining leave balance for the employee and avoiding any conflicts in leave requests.

Receiving Official Approval

In some organizations, employees may be required to obtain official approval from higher management before commencing their leave. This is usually the case for long vacations or exceptional circumstances.

Employees should submit their vacation requests well in advance of the intended start date, allowing the supervisor time to plan for covering their absence. The approved leave duration varies according to each organization's policy, and employees should check their leave balance before submitting a request. In case of any emergency preventing the employee from taking the leave at the scheduled time, they must inform their direct supervisor as soon as possible. It is important for employees to organize their work and inform colleagues about their tasks before going on leave to facilitate workflow during their absence.

Vacation approval procedures are a vital part of the human resource management system in any organization. They ensure smooth workflow and fairness among employees. By regularly following these procedures, employees can obtain vacation approval without any issues, thereby improving their mental health and increasing their productivity.


Types of Leaves

The types of leaves approved vary from one organization to another but generally include the following types:

Annual Leave: Granted to the employee after a certain period of work in the organization, typically ranging from 14 to 30 days annually.

Sick Leave: Granted to the employee in case of illness or temporary disability preventing them from working. A medical certificate must be attached to the leave request.

Casual Leave: Granted to the employee in case of emergency situations preventing them from working, such as the death of a family member or the marriage of a child.

Hajj Leave: Granted to Muslims once in a lifetime to perform the Hajj pilgrimage.

Marriage Leave: Granted to the employee upon their marriage, typically ranging from 7 to 14 days.

Maternity Leave: Granted to women after childbirth, typically ranging from 30 to 45 days.

Breastfeeding Leave: Granted to women after childbirth for breastfeeding their child, usually ranging from one to two hours daily.

Employee Rights During Leave

The employee is entitled to their basic salary during the leave period, except for certain types of leave like sick leave.

The employee is entitled to health insurance during the leave period, according to the organization's policy.

The employee has the right to return to their job after the leave period without any changes to their position or salary.

Employee Responsibilities During Leave

The employee must notify their direct supervisor about the leave start date and duration well in advance.

The employee must hand over all assigned tasks before leaving work.

The employee must ensure that their colleagues are aware of their tasks to facilitate workflow during their absence.

The employee must provide their contact number or another means of communication in case the organization needs to reach them during the leave period.


Challenges Employees May Face in Obtaining Vacation Approval

Despite vacations being a basic right for workers, some employees may face challenges in obtaining vacation approval, such as:

Work Pressure: Some employees may have to postpone their leave due to work pressure, fearing task accumulation during their absence.

Staff Shortage: Some organizations may face staff shortages, hindering the granting of vacations to other employees without affecting workflow.

Leave Policy: The leave policy in some organizations may be inflexible, limiting employees' ability to take their leaves at their desired time.

Unclear Procedures: The procedures for obtaining leave may be unclear in some organizations, causing difficulty for employees in submitting leave requests.

Solutions to Improve the Vacation Approval Process in Organizations

To overcome these challenges, organizations can take steps to improve the leave management process, such as:

Creating an Annual Leave Plan: This plan helps distribute leave fairly among employees and avoids task accumulation during certain periods of the year.

Hiring New Employees: This helps reduce work pressure on current employees, allowing them to take their leave without concern.

Training Employees to Work Effectively: This helps increase employee productivity, reducing the need for their constant presence at work.

Simplifying Leave Request Procedures: This helps facilitate the process of submitting leave requests for employees and avoids any difficulties.

Using Electronic Leave Management Systems: These systems help organize the leave request process and follow-up efficiently.

DocSuite HR System and Vacation Approval Procedures

The DocSuite HR system is one of the commonly used human resource management systems in many organizations. This system features multiple functions that help automate HR tasks, including leave management.

The DocSuite HR system allows employees to submit vacation requests electronically, facilitating the process of submitting and tracking requests. The steps to submit a leave request in the DocSuite HR system include:

Logging into the System: The employee logs into the DocSuite HR system using their username and password.

Selecting Leave Request: The employee navigates to the "Leave" section in the system and selects the type of leave they wish to request (annual leave, sick leave, casual leave, etc.).

Entering Leave Information: The employee enters the leave information, such as the start date, duration, reason for the leave, and any other required information.

Attaching Supporting Documents: For sick leave requests, the employee attaches a medical certificate to the leave request. The employee can also attach any other supporting documents for the leave request.

Submitting the Request: The employee submits the leave request to the direct supervisor for review and approval.

Reviewing the Request: The direct supervisor reviews the leave request, ensuring the accuracy of the provided information, evaluating the possibility of covering the employee’s duties during their absence, and ensuring that the workflow is not negatively affected. If there are any remarks on the request, the supervisor communicates them to the employee for adjustments.

Approving the Request: After reviewing the request and confirming all details, the direct supervisor decides whether to approve or reject the request. In case of approval, the request is endorsed and the employee is informed. If rejected, the supervisor explains the reasons for the rejection and provides alternative solutions.

Monitoring the Request Status: The employee can monitor the status of their leave request at any time through the DocSuite HR system.

Vacations are a fundamental right of workers and have many positive effects on their health, work, and the organization as a whole. By following the correct procedures for obtaining vacation approval, employees can fully benefit from these rights and achieve a balance between their work and personal life.


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