The most important provisions of the Saudi job discipline system

The Saudi job discipline system constitutes a comprehensive framework to motivate exemplary performance and guide professional behavior, as the recent government amendments reflect a commitment to enhancing work rights and creating a positive environ

topics / Policies, procedures and regulations
The most important provisions of the Saudi job discipline system
The most important provisions of the Saudi job discipline system
The most important provisions of the Saudi job discipline system
 The Saudi job discipline system is considered a fundamental pillar for stimulating exemplary performance and ensuring smooth workflow. It is not only a means for evaluating employees, but rather represents a comprehensive framework for setting standards and directing professional behavior.
 Important amendments have been made to the Saudi employment discipline system by the Saudi government, emphasizing the commitment to enhancing labor rights and stimulating a positive work environment. The executive regulations contain precise details regulating this system, which embodies a strong commitment to justice and transparency.
 Regarding penalties, they range from disciplinary measures to financial fines, striking the necessary balance between tightening control and ensuring employee rights. The goal of this system is not only to organize work, but also to motivate employees to provide the best performance and contribute to the development of the employment sector in the great Kingdom.
 In this section, we will learn about the Saudi job discipline system and its most important provisions.
 Saudi job discipline system
 In an inspiring step, the Saudi Shura Council approved bold amendments to the Saudi job discipline system, which focused on vital materials that embody modern aspirations for building an optimal work environment. The goal of the Saudi job discipline system is reflected in imposing unified penalties that are applied fairly to all employees, regardless of their positions.
 The main amendments include the basic articles, achieving a balance between the rights of companies and employees. The system seeks to enhance the values ​​of loyalty and honesty, and stimulate fair competition among employees, while avoiding problems that may hinder the progress of work.
 The new Saudi job discipline system comes with various materials that encourage improving employee performance and regulating their rewards in all sectors. This new development reflects the Saudi government’s commitment to achieving its aspirations in building a stimulating work environment committed to the highest standards of discipline and ethics.
 From the above, it is clear to us that the Saudi job discipline system contributes to achieving a set of goals, most notably the following:
 Protecting public order in the public and private sectors.
 Values ​​loyalty, honesty, and respect for the rights of others.
 Achieving a fair spirit of competition among all employees.
 Avoid problems and obstacles that negatively affect business development.
 Measuring the performance of public agencies in the country by evaluating the performance of employees.
 The legal articles in the Saudi job discipline system are concerned with the following:
 Motivating and encouraging employees to perform the required work better and more efficiently.
Organizing employee rewards in all sectors, whether the government sector or the private sector.
 Respecting labor laws and adhering to them at work, amending provisions and regulations for employees.
 Modifying employees’ behavior at work and encouraging them to be disciplined.
 The Saudi job discipline system and its executive regulations
 The Saudi job discipline system represents a fundamental pillar for achieving justice and progress in the work environment. The system works to draw an accurate map for work development, with a focus on protecting employees and promoting fair evaluation.
 The executive regulations of the Saudi job discipline system include effective mechanisms for imposing penalties and deductions, and providing exemption from them. A written warning is given as an initial warning, with specific financial deductions that are fair and balanced. The violating employee’s right to obtain the annual bonus is also cancelled, and his promotion is postponed for a specific period. In some cases, it could lead to dismissal from work.
 The system provides flexibility in exceptions, as the employee is exempted from penalties if his violation resulted from the orders of his boss at work. In a humanitarian gesture, the effect of the procedures ceases upon the end of the employee’s service, except in cases of death and total disability.
 In this way, the Saudi job discipline system is armed with strong mechanisms that achieve justice and preserve the rights of employees in their career journey.
 The mechanism for imposing penalties and deductions on employees, and exemption from penalties, includes the following items:
 A written warning will be sent to the employee who violates the system.
 A specified amount of money will be deducted from the violating employee’s salary in accordance with the system for a period not exceeding 3 months, provided that the value of the deduction does not exceed one-third of the salary.
 The violating employee will be deprived of his annual bonus for one time only.
 The violating employee shall not receive a promotion at work for a period not exceeding two years.
 The penalty for the violating employee sometimes amounts to dismissal from work, after confirming his violation and investigating him to prove that he committed the violation.
 The Saudi job discipline system allows an employee to be exempted from punishment and penalty if it is proven that his violation resulted from implementing the orders of his boss at work.
 The procedures stipulated in the Saudi Employment Discipline System apply even with the end of the employee’s service at work, with the exception of the case of death and total disability, as these cases prevent taking the procedures stipulated in the system.
 New job discipline system
 In the era of the new Saudi job discipline for the year 1443 AH, a solid base of controls emerges that surrounds the organization of the work environment and the protection of the rights of every individual. Each article in this system specifies precise controls, with Article Four emphasizing the importance of justice and careful verification.
 The Saudi employment discipline system reserves the rights of employees, as it prohibits the imposition of penalties without proving a violation after a standard investigation and opening the way for defence. The employee has the right to speak and prove his worth in written form, which makes the process fair and transparent.
As for the final dismissal decisions, they come with a mixture of cruelty and humanity, as the dismissed employee is prevented from holding a new job in any way, which reflects the spirit of the new system in achieving a balance between justice and humanity in the workplace.
 The new job discipline system is characterized by a revolution in the evaluation and management of employee performance in various public and private bodies, as it sets new standards and applies specific penalties to determine the map of professional behavior. The new Saudi job discipline system constitutes a major step in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as it seeks to protect public order and improve employee performance. Keeping pace with developments in the Kingdom’s sectors.
 What is the employee disciplinary system?
 The Saudi job discipline system directs employees who commit violations to investigation, and applies penalties commensurate with the crime committed under this new system. The committee responsible for dismissing employees comes to evaluate the appropriateness of the punishment, which adds a sense of justice and transparency.
 The Saudi job discipline system stresses that penalties must be appropriate to the nature of the violation, taking into account the employee’s antecedents and surrounding circumstances, by taking into account not to impose more than one penalty for the same violation. Simply put, the new system represents a shift towards effective performance management and promoting a work environment that encourages commitment and development. Continuous.
 In the context of the new Saudi job discipline system, the employee disciplinary system reflects a strong commitment to applying specific penalties commensurate with the nature of the violations. This system includes effective procedures for dealing with various violations, while ensuring the preservation of justice and achieving balance.
 The disciplinary system includes issuing written warnings, blaming the employee through specific accusations, deducting money from his salary for a specific period, and even depriving him of an annual bonus. These punishments come within a framework that guarantees the employee’s rights and achieves the desired goal of the system.
 The investigation of the employee is considered an essential part of the process of applying justice, as the violating employee can speak and defend himself in writing, before imposing any penalty. The executive regulations detail the penalties prescribed for each violation, with the obligation to follow strict procedures in the investigation and implementation of disciplinary penalties, which reflects Continuous efforts to achieve justice and motivate employees to adhere to laws and regulations.
 When 3 years have passed since the issuance of the decision to impose a disciplinary penalty on the employee, he has the opportunity to request that the penalty be erased and dropped. This legal right allows the employee to rebuild his career path after a period of disciplinary action.
 This policy appears as part of the Saudi job discipline system, which strives to achieve a balance between performance evaluation and opportunities for improvement and growth. Thus, the system contributes to building a fair and stimulating work environment, keeping pace with the Kingdom’s ambitions to develop all sectors.
 What is the importance of the Doc Suite system for the Saudi job discipline system?
 The Doc Suite system can be used to consolidate the provisions of the Saudi job discipline system in companies through:
 Create policy documents
Use Doc Suite to prepare detailed documentation of job discipline policies, explaining standards and expected behaviors.
 Educating employees
 Disseminate awareness and training documents via the Doc Suite system to ensure that employees understand the provisions of discipline and their rights.
 Performance tracking and evaluation
 Use advanced functionality in DocSuite to track and evaluate employee performance and record disciplinary actions if necessary.
 Documentation of penalties
 Create accurate records of sanctions and disciplinary actions and store them securely on DocSuite.
 Internal communication
 Use DocSuite's messaging system to facilitate effective communication about discipline issues and new modifications.
 Create training documents
 Preparing detailed documents and educational materials about the job discipline system and disseminating them through the Doc Suite system to ensure employee awareness.
 Documentation of disciplinary procedures
 Use DocSuite to create and document accurate records of investigations and disciplinary actions to ensure transparency and compliance with laws.
 Share policies and regulations
 Publish discipline policies and regulations related to the job discipline system via the Doc Suite system to ensure their availability to all employees.
 Organizing training
 Organizing training sessions via DocSuite to explain the job discipline system, and provide a platform for discussion and asking questions.
 simplifying procedures
 Create easily editable forms and documents via Doc Suite to simplify reporting and documentation processes.
 Internal communication
 Use DocSuite's messaging system to facilitate internal communication about discipline issues and updates.
 Data organization
 Using Doc Suite to store information and documents in an organized and secure manner, which contributes to effective information management.
 By using Doc Suite in these ways, employees' understanding and commitment to the provisions of the Saudi Job Discipline System can be enhanced, contributing to building a committed and effective work environment in accordance with set standards.

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