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The book “Personnel Management” tells us that the application and practice of management in reality began at the dawn of history and the beginning of the emergence of civilization. If we look at the ancient Egyptians, we find that they had effective

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download Personnel management book Free

The importance of the book "Personnel Management" lies in its introduction, which helps employees and managers in any organization understand individual behavior and guide it towards the general goal. This is achieved through the study of behavior and the effective use of human resources in recruitment, selection, training, motivation, compensation systems, promotion, evaluation, and maintaining the organization's security and safety.

Achieving total quality is essential for the organization's goals and sustainability. It is crucial to understand employees' needs and contribute to legal and legislative frameworks that ensure justice, equality, fair compensation, safety rules, labor relations, and the role of personnel management (HR) in assisting strategic decision-making aimed at leveraging employees' exceptional skills to solve problems and achieve the organization's goals.

The book "Personnel Management" is divided into nine chapters as follows:


Personnel Management

Human Resource Planning

Training and Development in Personnel Management

Communication and Public Relations in Personnel Management

Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources

Compensation and Incentives in Personnel Management


Performance Evaluation


The book defines management as determining what employees should do to achieve set goals and ensuring they do so efficiently and at the lowest cost. Management involves setting objectives, planning, organizing, directing, leading, coordinating, and developing employees' efforts and skills to achieve these objectives.

The book also informs us that the application and practice of management began at the dawn of history and the start of civilization. For example, the ancient Egyptians demonstrated effective management abilities in building pyramids and managing their state's affairs. This principle applied to other ancient civilizations like China, Babylon, Persia, and Rome. Muslims also provided impressive administrative models that transformed them from a nomadic life to a sprawling state with a great civilization.

However, the study of management as a science with principles and theories only began as a result of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century. The accompanying inventions led to significant advances in mechanical industry, the establishment of large factories, and the expansion of production. The book outlines the main reasons behind the emergence of management science.


How DocSuite HR System Serves Personnel Management

The DocSuite HR system can serve personnel management in several ways, including:

Employee Management:

The system can track and record employee data such as personal details, job information, performance records, start and end dates, and more.

Attendance and Leave Tracking:

The system provides a mechanism for recording and tracking employee attendance and leave, aiding in payroll calculation and performance evaluation.

Payroll and Benefits Management:

The system can automate the payroll and benefits process, including deductions and taxes, ensuring accuracy and ease in managing payrolls.

Employee Development and Training:

The system can track training and development programs for employees, helping improve their skills and performance.

Recruitment Management:

The system offers tools for managing recruitment processes such as tracking job applications, conducting interviews, and recording outcomes.

Employee Affairs Management:

The system can track and facilitate employee affairs procedures such as sick leaves, annual leaves, and compensations.

Document Management:

The system can store and manage documents related to employees such as employment contracts, annual evaluations, and more.

By using the DocSuite HR system, personnel management can improve efficiency and accuracy in managing employees and related operations, contributing to enhanced productivity and job satisfaction.


Relation Between the Book "Personnel Management" and DocSuite HR System

Personnel management (HR) involves effectively managing the workforce within an organization to ensure organizational goals are met, maintaining employee engagement and satisfaction, and ensuring continuous development.

The DocSuite HR system is a software system for human resources management, helping to execute various tasks and processes related to personnel management more efficiently. These tasks may include:

Managing employee data, including personal information and work records.

Managing attendance and time, tracking working hours and employee leaves.

Managing payroll, including calculating salaries, benefits, and rewards.

Managing performance, tracking and evaluating employee performance.

Managing recruitment and training, tracking hiring processes and providing necessary training for employees.

Therefore, the book "Personnel Management" is related to the DocSuite HR system in that they both aim to achieve the same goals related to workforce management. The software system can provide the necessary tools to implement the principles and methods of personnel management mentioned in the book, such as improving efficiency, productivity, and employee engagement.

You can download the book "Personnel Management" directly from here.


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