What you don't know about career guidance

Career counseling is the process of guiding individuals to make informed career decisions and achieve social, financial and emotional well-being. It aims to help people gain the knowledge and skills necessary to better determine their career path.

topics / Personnel affairs program
What you don't know about career guidance
What you don't know about career guidance

Throughout their professional lives, individuals encounter many situations where they can benefit from unbiased advice. They might be choosing a career path, making decisions about changing their professions or jobs, re-entering the workforce, or simply wanting to learn more about career guidance in general. Comprehensive knowledge always helps.

A solid foundation starts with the basics, and career guidance is a complex process, so you need to know everything about what it is, how, and why.

What is Career Guidance?

The origin of the word "guidance" dates back to the 16th century, defined as a process of directing behavior. Career guidance can be defined as a comprehensive developmental program designed to assist individuals in making and implementing enlightened educational and career choices. Simply put, it's a journey where individuals evolve to make mature and informed decisions.

Career guidance is defined as the guidance provided to individuals to help them acquire the knowledge, information, skills, and experience necessary to identify career options, narrow them down to make a single career decision, and ensure that this career decision subsequently leads to their social, financial, and emotional well-being throughout their lives.

In an era where career inquiries are common, it's important to answer questions related to career guidance or the profession in general.

Who Can Benefit From Career Guidance?

 A large number of people can benefit from career guidance, including:

9th - 10th Grade Students:

Setting the basics right solves many ambiguities that may arise later, whether it's about choosing the right path to the right board, setting career goals correctly. A correct start at the right time makes a big difference.

11th - 12th Grade Students:

One chooses their path from among the four possible options (non-medical, medical, humanities, commerce), but the possible career choices that a student can choose are more than hundreds, to ensure that the entire process starting from selecting the right career options to achieve these goals proceeds smoothly, it is important that the person seeks guidance from an enlightened (and experienced) guide.

College Students / Working Professionals:

 For those who have already made a career decision, they need to work to achieve the maximum results, and the guide informs them about the best job opportunities and ways to achieve the best in the field they have chosen for themselves. In general, people end up choosing wrong ways to achieve their goals, either realizing that the career choice they chose is not appropriate for them, or realizing that the choice they chose is not strong enough to keep them motivated or excited for their careers.

Do you need career guidance? Often, people find themselves in a dilemma before making important decisions in their lives. Generally, everyone seeks advice from family and friends before deciding what to wear. Being rational individuals, people always want what's best for them. Shouldn't the same logic apply when choosing a career or changing career paths, which are supposed to be significant decisions in one's life?

Certainly, one should seek career guidance if their thoughts align with any of the following ideas:

Choosing the right career: For individuals who struggle to find the right career path for them, career guidance helps resolve this confusion. There are countless career options to choose from, and without proper guidance from an expert, one might stick to a few choices suggested by friends or relatives. Enlightened career guidance informs individuals about each career option in detail, broadening their horizons. For those who believe they are clear about their career paths and have enough clarity to work towards a specific career choice, career counselors ensure they achieve their goals without any distractions.

Realizing a wrong career decision:

 Making the right career decision at the right time makes a significant difference. For instance, one might realize that engineering is not the best career option for them after working as an engineer for ten years, or one might realize the same thing early in life. In both cases, the person has the choice to realize where their true passion lies and work towards achieving it or continue working on their current passion. Changing career paths and discovering something entirely new requires careful planning and discussions about the scope of the new career choice. It is always advisable to get guidance on choosing the right career from the beginning.

Career paths can be changed at any time, and an informed decision can be made with the help of good career guidance. Regularly paying attention to one's career path can prevent many career problems, and crisis times are not the best times to seek professional help. The process should be continuous, and guidance from a counselor should be sought at every step of the career journey.

Focused career path:

Typically, risk-averse students tend to stick to some available career options, even though it's not a bad path to follow. However, many students fall prey to career confusion. Their focus changes, and as a result, they find themselves not performing to their full potential. Career guidance not only helps the student identify a career path but also guides them along the path, mapping out their career journey, helping them remove confusion and future deviations along the way.

What are the elements of career guidance? To better understand career guidance, let's take a look at its key elements:

Qualified career advisor:

 The first and most important element in any career guidance process is having a qualified advisor.

Safe environment:

 Career guidance requires creating a safe and secure environment where the beneficiary feels comfortable discussing troubling issues.

Trust agreement:

In general, the only career guidance people have is their parents' opinions, teachers' judgments based on grades, and comments from friends and neighbors. Although they may be rational and unbiased in their opinions, relying on them is not enough to establish the foundation of an entire career.

Modern career guidance process:

Online assessment to eliminate human error or bias does not allow the person to choose from the few career options that have been tried and tested. Developed psychological assessments help researchers and psychologists honestly deal with professional inquiries and problems, providing them with experience, knowledge, and research support. They are modern and reveal the best professional matches in terms of multiple criteria such as interest, personality, emotional balance, competence, and guidance style. With such research and algorithms supported by the experience of senior psychologists, the chances of making the wrong career decision are reduced.

Professional consultation and expert support:

A career guidance report may not be enough to help determine the person's true profession. A person needs appropriate advice to choose a profession. By appropriate advice, we mean expert advice. Parents, teachers, and friends are aware and want the best, but it takes time to know what the heart wants, what the mind says, and what the job requires. The advisor and expert career guide should be alongside the student directly, guiding them towards the right profession, helping them work towards it.

Career counseling is a two-step process, and excellent guides always recommend students to follow both steps to identify the right career option. The person spends about 70% of his life at work. Proper career guidance ensures that the chosen profession is the right profession, leading to emotional, social, and financial happiness.

What is the role of the HR Suite system in career guidance?

 HR Suite plays an important role in career guidance by providing tools and resources that help manage employee performance and develop job skills, including performance evaluation, identifying training needs, and setting personal development plans. It can also be used to track employees' job goals and career paths, providing the necessary guidance and support to achieve their professional aspirations. Among its key features are:

Performance evaluation:

The system helps evaluate employees' performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and determine development opportunities.

Identifying training needs:

 The system can analyze performance data and identify training needs for each employee based on their performance.

Developing personal development plans:

The system allows for the development of personalized development plans for each employee based on their individual needs and career goals.

Tracking job goals:

 The system can track employees' progress towards achieving their job goals and provide necessary feedback.

Employee guidance:

The system provides guidance and support to employees in developing their skills and achieving their career aspirations.



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