Developed social security: comprehensive social security for a decent life

The developed social security is an important step towards achieving comprehensive development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and enhancing the well-being of Saudi citizens, by providing a comprehensive social safety network. The program contributes

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Developed social security: comprehensive social security for a decent life
Developed social security: comprehensive social security for a decent life

Developed social security: comprehensive social security for a decent life

 Developed Social Security is one of the most important programs of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which aims to provide a comprehensive social safety network that guarantees a decent living for Saudi citizens. This program was launched in 2020, as a qualitative step towards enhancing social solidarity and supporting the most needy groups, including In line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030.

 In this article, we will learn about everything related to the developed social security.

 What is Developed Social Security?

 The developed Social Security is defined as a comprehensive system that provides financial support to Saudi citizens who meet the eligibility conditions, regardless of their income or work. The program aims to provide their basic needs, improve their standard of living, and enhance their participation in society.

 Advanced Social Security is a new system that aims to improve and develop social security programs in many countries, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This system aims to enhance the support provided to needy families and individuals, improve the efficiency of resource distribution, and increase transparency in the entitlement and disbursement process.

 The most important features of the developed social security are the following:

 Expanding the beneficiary groups: The new system includes broader categories of society such as needy families, the elderly, orphans, and people with disabilities.

 Improving targeting: It relies on modern data collection and analysis techniques to ensure that support reaches those who need it most.

 Ease of access: The system provides electronic services for submitting and tracking applications, making it easier for beneficiaries to submit applications and obtain support faster and more efficiently.

 Increased transparency: It relies on clear and specific criteria for eligibility for support, which reduces the potential for corruption and manipulation.

 Comprehensive support: includes providing cash assistance, training and rehabilitation programs, and health and educational support to families in need.

 This system aims to provide a decent life for all citizens and promote social justice by providing appropriate support to people who need it.

 There are several conditions for eligibility, which are:

 To be of Saudi nationality.

 To be a permanent resident of the Kingdom.

 He does not have enough income to meet his basic needs.

 Not to be married to a foreigner.

 Not to be imprisoned.

 Types of aid

 Advanced Social Security offers different types of assistance, including:

 Periodic financial support: disbursed monthly to beneficiaries, and the amount varies according to the category of the beneficiary and his marital status.

 Temporary benefits: Provided to beneficiaries in emergency or exceptional cases, such as: cases of divorce, death, or illness.

 Rehabilitation services: help beneficiaries improve their skills and abilities, and enhance their chances of obtaining jobs.

 Housing services: Help beneficiaries buy or rent a suitable home.

 What is the application mechanism?

 You can apply for the developed social security through:

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development website:

 Social Security Centers: spread throughout the Kingdom.

 “Developed Social Security” application: available on smart application stores.

 Developed social security benefits

 The developed social security offers many benefits to beneficiaries, including:

 Providing a comprehensive social safety net: It helps beneficiaries meet their basic needs and live in dignity.

 Improving the standard of living: It contributes to improving the standard of living of beneficiaries and their families.

 Promoting social solidarity: reduces the gap between the rich and the poor, and enhances social solidarity in society.

 Supporting community participation: Helps beneficiaries improve their skills and abilities, which enhances their chances of obtaining jobs and participating in society.

 Providing education and training opportunities: The program provides educational and training programs to beneficiaries, which help them develop their skills and abilities, which enhances their chances of obtaining suitable jobs.

 Entrepreneurship support: The program provides loans and financial support to beneficiaries who wish to establish their own projects, which contributes to creating new job opportunities and diversifying the economy.

 Caring for people with disabilities: The program provides specialized services to people with disabilities, helping them integrate into society and live in dignity.

 Elderly Care: The program provides care services for the elderly, helping them live with dignity and independence.

 The developed social security is an important step towards achieving comprehensive development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and enhancing the well-being of Saudi citizens, by providing a comprehensive social safety network. The program contributes to improving the standard of living of the beneficiaries, supporting their participation in society, and building a better future for them and their future generations.

 Social Security embodies the values ​​of solidarity, solidarity, and compassion that characterize Saudi society. Through this program, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affirms its commitment to achieving social justice and the well-being of all its citizens.

 The developed role of social security in achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030

 Social Security contributes to achieving many of the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, including:

 Promoting social solidarity: The program contributes to enhancing social solidarity in society and reducing the gap between the rich and the poor.

 Supporting economic participation: Helps beneficiaries improve their skills and abilities, enhancing their chances of obtaining jobs and participating in the economy.

 Achieving comprehensive development: The program contributes to achieving comprehensive development in the Kingdom and improving the standard of living of all citizens.

 Social Security is one of the most important programs of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. By providing a comprehensive social safety net, the program contributes to improving the standard of living of beneficiaries, supporting their participation in society, and building a better future for themselves and their future generations.

 The role of the DocSupt HR system with the developed Social Security

DocSupt HR is an essential tool for enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of social security operations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The system plays a pivotal role in linking the various entities concerned with social security, facilitating the process of submitting applications and verifying data, and ensuring smooth and effective workflow.

 Among the most important functions of the DocSupt HR system with the developed social security are the following:

 Submitting applications: Social Security beneficiaries can submit their applications electronically through the DocSupt HR system, without the need to visit Social Security centers in person.

 Data verification: The system helps verify the validity of beneficiaries’ data and ensure that they meet the eligibility conditions.

 Follow up on requests: Beneficiaries can follow the status of their requests electronically through the system, and know whether they have been approved or rejected.

 Updating data: Beneficiaries can update their personal data and information related to their social and economic circumstances electronically through the system.

 Issuing certificates: The system issues certificates of entitlement to beneficiaries of the developed social security.

 Communication with beneficiaries: The system can communicate with beneficiaries to provide instructions and advice, and answer their questions.

 The DocSupt HR system also has several benefits for use in the developed Social Security:

 Improving the efficiency of services: The system helps improve the efficiency of services provided to beneficiaries of the developed social security, and reduces the time required to submit and process applications.

 Data accuracy: The system helps ensure the accuracy of data related to beneficiaries, and reduces cases of error.

 Transparency: The system helps enhance transparency in developed social security operations and facilitates access to information for beneficiaries.

 Facilitating access to services: Social Security beneficiaries can access services electronically through the system, without the need to visit Social Security centers in person.

 Reducing costs: The system helps reduce costs related to providing services to beneficiaries of the developed social security.

 How does the DocSupt HR system contribute to achieving the goals of the developed social security?

 Providing a comprehensive social safety net: The system helps provide a comprehensive social safety net for Saudi citizens, by facilitating the process of submitting applications and verifying data, and ensuring smooth and effective workflow.

 Improving the standard of living: The system helps improve the standard of living of beneficiaries of the developed social security, by providing them with the necessary financial support and services.

 Strengthening social solidarity: The system helps enhance social solidarity in Saudi society, by supporting the most needy groups.

 Supporting participation in society: The system helps support the participation of social security beneficiaries in society, by providing opportunities for education, training, and entrepreneurship.

 DocSupt HR is an important tool for enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of social security operations developed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The system plays a pivotal role in achieving the program’s objectives and providing a decent life for Saudi citizens.



























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