5 important information about the Saudi labor system

The Saudi Labor Law is considered one of the most advanced legal systems in the Arabian Gulf region. It was designed to cover all aspects related to the work relationship between employers and employees. The Law was first issued in 1969, and since th

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5 important information about the Saudi labor system
5 important information about the Saudi labor system

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5 important information about the Saudi labor system

The Saudi Labor Law is considered one of the basic pillars on which the labor market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based, as it aims to regulate the relationship between employers and workers in ways that guarantee the rights and duties of each party, and enhance the work environment in the Kingdom. Since its first issuance, the Law has undergone many amendments. And updates to keep pace with economic and social developments, and contribute to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.


In this article, we will discuss the Saudi labor system in some detail, touching on the rights and duties of workers, regulating working hours and rest periods, controls on termination of service, and settling labor disputes. We will work to provide a comprehensive explanation of each aspect, to shed light on how this system achieves a balance between the interests of workers. And employers, and enhancing the attractiveness of the Saudi labor market at the local and international levels.


What is the Saudi labor system?

The Saudi labor system is considered one of the most advanced legal systems in the Arabian Gulf region. It was designed to cover all aspects related to the labor relationship between employers and employees. The system was first issued in 1969, and since then it has undergone many amendments and improvements to keep pace with economic and social developments. in KSA.


The system is concerned with protecting workers’ rights and providing a safe and fair work environment, in addition to regulating working hours, wages, and rest periods. It also includes provisions for official and sick leave, controls for termination of service, and settlement of labor disputes. Together, these elements make the system a solid legal basis that guarantees a balance between... The rights of workers and employers, and enhances the attractiveness of the Saudi labor market for both local and international investors.


The rights and duties of workers in the Saudi labor system

The Saudi labor system clearly highlights the rights and duties of workers to ensure justice and equality in the workplace. The system includes the rights of workers to receive an appropriate wage that reflects the volume of work performed and market conditions. It also guarantees their right to obtain paid annual leave of no less than 21 days. It increases to 30 days for those who have served more than five years.

In addition, workers are entitled to sick leave and paid official leave on religious and national holidays and occasions. As for the duties of workers, the system stresses the importance of commitment to performing job tasks accurately and honestly, complying with instructions issued by the employer, and maintaining work tools and equipment. Maintaining the confidentiality of commercial and industrial information, the system also requires workers to respect their colleagues and supervisors, work in a team spirit, and contribute to creating a positive and effective work environment.


Organizing working hours and rest periods

The Saudi Labor Law deals with regulating working hours and rest periods in detail to ensure achieving a healthy balance between work and personal life for workers. According to the Law, daily working hours must not exceed eight hours, or 48 hours per week, and working hours must be reduced in the holy month of Ramadan so that they do not exceed six hours. Hours per day, or 36 hours per week.


The system also stipulates that workers must be given rest periods of no less than 30 minutes to eat and rest during the day, provided that the worker does not work more than five continuous hours without rest. In addition, the system prohibits workers from engaging in heavy or dangerous work for more than seven hours per day.


The system is also keen to provide a weekly rest of no less than 24 continuous hours, usually on Friday, unless work conditions require otherwise, in which case the worker must be compensated with an alternative rest day. This precise organization aims to ensure the safety and health of workers, and achieve productivity. Higher by providing a comfortable working environment.


Termination of service and settlement of labor disputes

The Saudi Labor Law specifies clear controls for terminating the service of workers, while guaranteeing their rights upon the end of the labor relationship. The law stipulates that termination of service must be based on legitimate reasons, such as the expiration of the contract period, the agreement of the two parties, or the worker committing serious violations that require dismissal. In the event of termination of service without a legitimate reason, the worker has the right to demand financial compensation equivalent to his wages for two months if the contract is of a fixed term, or half a month’s wages for each year of service if the contract is of indefinite term.


To settle labor disputes, the system allows workers and employers to resort to labor dispute settlement committees, which consider complaints and decide on them quickly and fairly. These committees aim to provide a stable work environment by resolving disputes in amicable and arbitration ways, thus reducing the need to resort to the courts. Public: In this way, the Saudi labor system enhances trust between labor parties and contributes to achieving stability and economic prosperity in the Kingdom.


What is the role of the Doc Suite system with the Saudi labor system?

The “Doc Suite” system is a comprehensive human resources management system used by many companies and institutions to organize and follow up many administrative processes related to employees. This system can play an important role in supporting the implementation of the Saudi labor system effectively and efficiently. Here are some aspects in which the role of the “Doc Suite” is highlighted. Sweet” in integration with the Saudi labor system:


Attendance management:

The "Dock Suite" system allows recording and tracking employees' daily working hours, in line with the requirements of the Saudi labor system, which stipulates determining daily and weekly working hours. Through this system, companies can ensure that working hours do not exceed legal limits, and ensure that employees receive... Eligible rest periods.


Leave management:

The Doc Suite system can manage various leave requests (annual, sick, official) in a way that ensures compliance with Saudi laws. The system tracks employee entitlements and ensures that they are granted leave in accordance with what is stipulated in the Saudi labor system, which contributes to reducing conflicts and achieving transparency.


Wage Calculation:

The system helps in accurately calculating wages and salaries, taking into account overtime and various deductions in accordance with legal regulations. This ensures compatibility with the Saudi labor system that defines the rights of employees to receive fair pay for their work, including overtime and night working hours.


Performance evaluation:

DocSuite supports continuous performance evaluations of employees, enabling management to make informed decisions regarding promotions and rewards. This is in line with the Saudi labor system that encourages rewarding good performance and continuous motivation of employees.


Training and Development Department:

The system can track the training and professional development programs that employees undergo, which enhances their professional capabilities and is in line with the requirements of the Saudi labor system that focuses on developing human resources in the Kingdom.


Reporting and Compliance:

The system provides the ability to generate detailed reports on various aspects of human resources management, which helps companies comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in Saudi Arabia. These reports can include details on attendance, leaves, wages, and other essential elements that ensure transparency and compliance with laws.


Dispute settlement:

The DocSuite system can be an effective tool in resolving labor disputes by providing accurate and comprehensive records of employees’ performance, attendance, vacations, and wages. This can help resolve disputes amicably and quickly, in line with the dispute resolution mechanisms specified by the labor system. Saudi.


In short, Doc Suite is a valuable tool for companies in Saudi Arabia to ensure full compliance with the Saudi labor system and achieve effective and sustainable human resources management.



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