download Human Resources Management Book (Contemporary Issues in Administrative Thought)

In its fifth chapter, the Human Resources Management book dealt with the topic of human resources communications, and the concepts that this topic entails. Here, the Human Resources Management book touched on communications and human resources manage

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download Human Resources Management Book (Contemporary Issues in Administrative Thought)

Download the Book "Human Resource Management (Contemporary Issues in Administrative Thought)"

Authors: Youssef Hajim Al-Taie & Hashem Fawzi Al-Abadi


Summary of the Book "Human Resource Management (Contemporary Issues in Administrative Thought)"

The book "Human Resource Management (Contemporary Issues in Administrative Thought)" consists of twelve chapters, each of which is a research topic in itself. The contents and themes can be summarized as follows:

Introduction to the Book "Human Resource Management"

The first chapter of the book provides a general introduction to the study of human resource management. It highlights key fundamental concepts and core principles of HR management, transitioning from personnel management to human resource management, and covering strategic principles, definitions, and theoretical approaches. The chapter also discusses the importance, goals, and main functions of human resource management.

Human Resource Management in Business Organizations

The second chapter delves into job analysis and description, human resource planning, performance measurement and evaluation, training and development, job evaluation, compensation structure, motivation, benefits and services, employee safety and health, and career planning and management.

Challenges in Human Resource Management

The third chapter addresses the competitive challenges in HR management, demographic concerns, employee aspirations, cultural changes, and the partnership between executives and HR in facing competitive challenges through various HR management practices and policies.

The Human Resource Manager

Chapter four explores the role of the HR manager, their functions, responsibilities, qualifications, and the challenges they face, especially in an international context.

Human Resource Communications

The fifth chapter covers HR communications, including concepts, the role of HR in communications, forms and elements of communication, and communication networks.

Human Resource Information Systems

Chapter six discusses the concept, importance, goals, design, and analysis of HR information systems in organizations.


HR Auditing and the New Administrative Role

This chapter focuses on HR auditing, including recruitment, training, performance evaluation, employee welfare, and compensation, along with the emerging trends in workplace outcomes, teamwork, job design, and turnover.

Creating a High-Performance Work System

Chapter eight discusses the principles of high-performance work systems, their implementation, and how they help organizations achieve their goals.

International Human Resource Management

Chapters ten and eleven address international HR management, including cultural and gender issues, international recruitment, training, performance evaluation, compensation, and labor relations in a global context.

Knowledge Management and E-Human Resource Management

The final chapter covers the impact of the internet on HR management, knowledge management, and e-HR, providing an overview of how organizations can improve HR management through technology.


How DocSuite HR System Relates to the Book "Human Resource Management"

DocSuite HR is a human resource management system designed to streamline HR processes and procedures in companies and organizations. It includes various tools and features for managing employee records, tracking attendance, payroll, recruitment, training, and more.

The book "Human Resource Management (Contemporary Issues in Administrative Thought)" addresses contemporary and advanced topics in HR management, such as modern challenges and new developments in administrative thought. It discusses advanced techniques and tools for HR management, including the use of sophisticated technological systems like DocSuite HR.

The relationship between DocSuite HR and the book lies in their shared focus on modern and contemporary HR management topics. Both emphasize integrating technology and automation into HR management to achieve efficiency and improve performance. The book provides theories and ideas based on modern practices and technologies that can be implemented using systems like DocSuite HR.

You can download the book directly from here.


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