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The Small Project Management book adds that care and caution must be exercised when thinking about starting work on a small project, whatever the nature of its work, because a large percentage of small projects are not destined to succeed and continu

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Small business management book
Small business management book

Author: Majida Al-Attiyah

Summary of the Book "Small Business Management"

Interest in small business management has increased recently, becoming a fundamental subject taught in institutes and universities today. Despite small enterprises having always been essential components of the national economy, as all large businesses today started as small projects, and many of today's small enterprises will grow into large businesses in the future. Additionally, the collective economic power of small businesses contributes significantly to the national output and plays a crucial role in developing and advancing the national economy, alongside their clear social impacts.

The book "Small Business Management" adds that caution and prudence are necessary when considering starting a small business, regardless of its nature. A significant number of small businesses fail to succeed and survive early on because the preparation and planning process is not comprehensive. It is also essential to note that running a small business is not as easy as it may appear to many; it requires specific traits, including particular personal qualities that the business owner must possess. It also demands perseverance, hard work, and sacrificing many other personal interests in daily life.

In an attempt to clarify some aspects of small business management, "Small Business Management" was written specifically for students of the College of Planning and Management, according to the curriculum prepared for this subject, hoping to achieve its purpose and provide them with the minimum necessary information in this field. This may enable them to start successful small businesses in the future and contribute to building their country's national economy.

The book "Small Business Management" points out that small business owners can be considered entrepreneurs as they take on risks and display adventurous spirits in hopes of achieving future profitability. Small business owners believe they put in high efforts and achieve high revenues, and they feel happy in their work. However, before embarking on any venture to establish a small business, every entrepreneur must study the advantages of the small business.

The book also explains that large businesses focus on products with steady and predictable demand, leaving small enterprises to produce items with slower sales, products characterized by high risk. Often, small businesses are pioneers in creating a new idea or product that does not have assured demand, making it challenging to achieve sufficient sales for a new product. Factors like the cost and time consumed in producing that product can lead many small businesses to bankruptcy during the introduction of the new product or service to the markets. However, if the business can develop and find sufficient markets for that product, large businesses pay great attention to it as it becomes a competitor.


Relationship Between DocSuite HR System and the Book "Small Business Management"

The DocSuite HR system aims to facilitate the management of human resources in institutions, including managing employees, payroll, and overall human resources.

The book "Small Business Management" focuses on how to execute and manage projects in small companies, including defining project goals, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing.

The connection between the two lies in the fact that the DocSuite HR system provides the necessary tools to manage the workforce and human resources, including the project teams in small companies. It facilitates the process of hiring the right employees for projects, providing essential data to evaluate and effectively manage the team.


Role of DocSuite HR System in Small Business Management

The DocSuite HR system is typically used in human resources and small business management. It allows companies to manage employee information such as personal and employment data, track attendance and departure, manage salaries and rewards, and can also be used to oversee small projects, including task assignments, work progress tracking, and project scheduling. Additionally, the DocSuite HR system can provide reports and analyses that help in making strategic decisions to efficiently manage small projects.

You can download the book "Small Business Management" directly from here.


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