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The book Organization Theory explains that an organization is formed as soon as two or more people feel that they need each other, and that there are common goals that are difficult to achieve without the help of others. Organizations began with simp

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Organization theory book
Organization theory book

Author: Sinan Ghaleb Al-Murhadi

Summary of the Book: Organization Theory

The book "Organization Theory" emphasizes that organizations hold great importance in the lives of advanced societies. Humans live amidst a sea of organizations that they cannot live without due to the goods and services they provide, which make life easier. An organization is a human phenomenon that appeared with the emergence of human gatherings and the individual's need for the help of others to satisfy physiological and psychological needs.

The book explains that an organization forms when two or more people feel the need for each other and have common goals that are difficult to achieve without mutual help. Initially, organizations were simple in production and means, had few workers, and operated in relatively stable environments.

The importance of studying organizations is highlighted through the progress of human civilization, which is the result of the outputs of various organizations. The increasing complexity of organizations is due to the large investments and their size, as well as the diversity of cultures and societies they operate in and the markets where they sell their products. Despite the importance of organizational studies, business administration departments in Yemeni universities do not give it the attention it deserves.

The book presents basic administrative theories in a simplified manner, using illustrative examples and diagrams when appropriate, making it easier for readers to understand. Although the author wished to include practical cases from Yemeni organizations, time constraints and urgent needs of students in the business administration department prevented this.

Organizations aim to be effective in meeting expectations and achieving their set goals. The book suggests that the relationship between an organization’s effectiveness and its life cycle stages is strong. Despite the significance of effectiveness in organizational theory and behavior literature, there is much contradiction in study results on this topic. The book attempts to address the concept of effectiveness, approaches to studying organizational effectiveness, and measuring it through various approaches.

An organization exists when two dimensions are present: a human dimension (more than one person working together) and a common goal that members strive to achieve. The author defines an organization as a social unit comprising material and human resources coordinated to achieve agreed-upon goals.

Humans need organizations to satisfy their diverse needs for goods and services, which are difficult to fulfill alone. As social beings, humans cannot live in isolation and seek to achieve goals either individually or cooperatively. Through organizations, individuals attain physiological satisfaction (formal organizational membership and material incentives) and psychological satisfaction (informal organizational membership and moral incentives). From birth, humans live in organizations (families) and interact with various organizations throughout the day.

Individuals also establish formal organizations (joining sports or cultural clubs) and informal ones (friend groups). Organizations are thus integral to human existence, and everyone is a member of some organization directly or indirectly.

Organizations are essential for the growth, advancement, and achievement of human goals. They have existed since the dawn of civilizations, which relied on organizational structures for their achievements. For example, the civilization of Sheba and its dams, the democratic system, the civilization of Qataban in Yemen, Babylon in Iraq, and the construction of the pyramids in Egypt all depended on well-managed organizations.

In primitive societies, organizations were less complex than today. Competition was less intense, demand exceeded supply, and consumers had limited choices, paying whatever price producers asked. Modern organizations operate in a more complex environment with increased uncertainty, competition, and supply exceeding demand. Producers now seek consumer satisfaction through various strategies, requiring organizations with a strategic dimension in all their activities.

What is the Relationship Between the DocSuite HR System and the Book "Organization Theory"?

The DocSuite HR system is a human resource management tool that facilitates various administrative processes within an organization, including managing personal information, administrative processes, and employee performance. On the other hand, the book "Organization Theory" explores theories and concepts that explain how organizations are designed, organized, and evolve over time.

The relationship between them lies in using the DocSuite HR system to apply the concepts and theories studied in organizational theory books. For example, DocSuite HR can implement organizational structures and administrative processes related to human resources as studied in "Organization Theory."

You can download the book "Organization Theory" directly from [here].


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