download A book on the theory of administrative decisions between the science of public administration and administrative law

The book The Theory of Administrative Decisions between the Science of Public Administration and Administrative Law confirms that this interest in the theory of administrative decisions was and still is dispersed, scattered between studies of managem

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A book on the theory of administrative decisions between the science of public administration and administrative law
A book on the theory of administrative decisions between the science of public administration and administrative law

Author: Ammar Aouabdi

Summary of the Book: The Theory of Administrative Decisions between Public Administration and Administrative Law

Administrative decisions are among the most significant administrative topics that receive considerable and strong attention from scholars of management and administrative law due to the vital and important scientific, organizational, and functional role that the theory of administrative decisions plays in all scientific, practical, technical, and legal aspects. The process of making, forming, or crafting administrative decisions is a strong and dynamic element in the theory of administrative decisions. Therefore, some management scholars consider the decision-making process to be the essence of administrative function, the heart of management, and the pivot of administrative organization theory.

However, the book "The Theory of Administrative Decisions between Public Administration and Administrative Law" emphasizes that the interest in the theory of administrative decisions has always been scattered and fragmented between studies in management science and administrative law. Management science studies focus on the scientific, technical, and practical aspects of administrative decisions, such as defining decisions, studying how the decision-making process is accomplished, classifying these decisions, examining all the factors and pressures affecting the decision-making process, and determining the relationship between administrative decisions and public policy.

On the other hand, administrative law studies focus on the pure legal aspects, components, elements, and facts of administrative decisions. These studies include defining administrative decisions and explaining their elements as a legal administrative act, distinguishing them from other legal actions such as contracts, legislative acts, and judicial acts, and examining the process of forming administrative decisions and their legal validity and legitimacy. They also explore the types of administrative decisions according to different legal classifications and criteria, the methods and means of executing administrative decisions, the legal reasons for the termination of administrative decisions, and the issue of the illegitimacy of administrative decisions and how to monitor their implementation, cancellation, and compensation, as well as the legally competent authorities for this oversight.

The book asserts that the study of administrative decisions in management science has always been insufficient, incomplete, and partial, as it focuses only on the technical, practical, and scientific aspects while neglecting the legal facts, elements, and components of the theory of administrative decisions.

Similarly, the book highlights that the study of administrative decisions in administrative law has also been incomplete, partial, and lacking comprehensiveness. These studies concentrate only on the legal aspects, components, elements, and facts of the theory of administrative decisions, making them theoretical and legal studies devoid of practical, scientific, and technical elements. Thus, according to modern approaches to studying administrative sciences and public administration, there is a need to address and study the theory of administrative decisions in a comprehensive and integrated manner that combines the technical, scientific, and legal aspects. This means integrating and collaborating between management science and administrative law in addressing and studying the theory of administrative decisions from all its aspects, components, elements, and legal, practical, and scientific facts, to ensure that these studies are comprehensive, realistic, and scientific.

The book stresses that the study of the theory of administrative decisions between management science and administrative law is an attempt to establish and apply the modern approach to studying public administration and administrative sciences on the theory of administrative decisions, which is one of the many diverse topics of administrative law theories and administrative sciences.

Furthermore, the book notes that the study of the decision-making process in administrative decisions is an integral and inseparable part of the study of the theory of decisions. The study of the aspects, elements, and components of the theory of administrative decisions and their provisions is of vital importance and yields effective results, whether from a theoretical scientific perspective or a practical application perspective.

To highlight and specify the importance of administrative decisions more clearly, the book focuses on the importance and role of administrative decisions within the scope of achieving administrative functions and processes. It also discusses the importance of studying administrative decisions, including the significance of studying the topic of administrative decision-making in management science and administrative law.

To encompass the various aspects and manifestations of the importance of administrative decisions from legal, practical, scientific, and technical perspectives, the book addresses the importance of administrative decisions from a management science viewpoint first and then highlights the importance and manifestations of these decisions from an administrative law perspective.

What is the Relationship Between the DocSuite HR System and the Book "The Theory of Administrative Decisions"?

The DocSuite HR system is used to organize and manage information related to employees within organizations, while the book "The Theory of Administrative Decisions" deals with concepts and theories related to the decision-making process in administration.

The relationship between them lies in the fact that the DocSuite HR system facilitates the administrative decision-making process related to employees. The system provides crucial information such as performance data, skills, attendance and absence records, salaries, and more, which are used to analyze and make administrative decisions more effectively and quickly.

You can download the book "The Theory of Administrative Decisions between Public Administration and Administrative Law" directly from [here].


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