Bashar system and its role in developing traffic services in Saudi Arabia

The Basher system is known as one of the advanced technical solutions launched by the Traffic Department in cooperation with the National Information Center, with the aim of monitoring traffic violations and recording traffic accidents electronically

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Bashar system and its role in developing traffic services in Saudi Arabia
Bashar system and its role in developing traffic services in Saudi Arabia


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Bashar system and its role in developing traffic services in Saudi Arabia

DocSuite is a systemHR is one of the most prominent integrated technical solutions that support institutions in managing their human resources effectively, especially those that rely on advanced technical systems such as the Basher system for monitoring traffic violations, as “Doc Suite HR” provides advanced tools for managing employee records and monitoring their performance, including traffic officers who use the Basher system in the field.

By integrating digital human resource management with traffic control operations, DocSuite contributes toHR" in facilitating follow-up and performance analysis processes, in addition to enhancing compliance with systems and regulations. Thanks to this system, institutions are able to monitor the work of their employees accurately and effectively, which is positively reflected in the level of discipline and efficiency in carrying out daily tasks.

In this article, we will learn more about the Basher system and the role of the DocSite system in facilitating dealing with it.


MIs it a direct system?

The Basher system is known as one of the advanced technical solutions launched by the Traffic Department in cooperation with the National Information Center, with the aim of monitoring traffic violations and recording traffic accidents electronically, which contributes to developing traffic management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This modern system directly links traffic officers in the field with the National Information Center, which contributes to accelerating traffic procedures and making them more efficient and accurate, as the system relies on electronic devices delivered to traffic officers in the field, enabling them to record violations immediately and without the need for any paper documents.

Basher is an advanced step towards achieving comprehensive automation of all traffic services in the Kingdom, in line with Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to enhance the use of technology in various sectors. It is worth noting that the pilot application of the system has started successfully, paving the way for further future developments that will help improve security and safety on the roads.


Technologies used in the Bashir system and their impact on traffic operations

Bashar is characterized by advanced technologies that contribute to improving the accuracy and speed of dealing with traffic violations, as the system allows traffic officers to record violations directly via small electronic devices similar to smartphones, which contributes to facilitating the process of monitoring violations quickly and effectively.

These devices rely on photographing the violation and immediately linking it to the National Information Center, which helps confirm that the vehicle data matches what is recorded in the system. Among the violations that “Basher” monitors are:

  • Parking in undesignated places,
  • Not wearing a seat belt,
  • Using the phone while driving.
  • Throwing waste from the vehicle.

An important feature of the system is that it immediately notifies the vehicle owner via a text message that includes all the details of the violation, such as the time, date, and license plate number. This electronic approach reduces human error and ensures that all violations are documented in an accurate and reliable manner, which contributes to raising the level of awareness among drivers and reducing wrong traffic behaviors that may lead to accidents or endanger people’s lives.


The impact of the Basher system on improving public safety

The Basher system is not limited to monitoring violations only, but its impact extends to improving the level of public safety on the roads in the Kingdom, by accelerating the process of monitoring violations and notifying drivers immediately. The system contributes to raising the level of traffic discipline, as drivers realize that their violations will be recorded and dealt with immediately.

This sense of responsibility makes them more keen to follow traffic rules and respect laws. The Basher system also contributes to reducing traffic accidents resulting from violations such as using the phone while driving or exceeding the speed limit. In the same context, monitoring violations such as parking in places designated for people with special needs is an important step towards promoting social justice and respecting the rights of special groups.

Moreover, the system improves the response of the concerned authorities to traffic accidents and facilitates the process of documenting them, which contributes to providing faster and more accurate traffic services.


Future directions of the Bashir system

Despite the success achieved by the Basher system since its launch, there are many development plans that aim to improve and expand it to include more traffic services in the future. The General Traffic Department is working in cooperation with the National Information Center to develop more technologies that will facilitate the lives of drivers and increase the level of safety on the roads.

Future trends include expanding the scope of monitoring violations to include new areas and developing more detailed traffic accident tracking systems. In addition, work is underway to provide interactive applications that allow drivers to track their traffic violations and pay fines electronically and easily, in line with the Saudi government’s vision of achieving a comprehensive digital transformation in all sectors.

The administration also seeks to use data extracted from the Basher system to identify areas most vulnerable to accidents and develop new traffic strategies to improve traffic flow in those areas.


The importance of the Bashar system

The Basher system is considered a vital tool in developing traffic services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to its great importance in improving traffic management and enhancing public safety on the roads. The main importance of the Basher system lies in several points, which are:

Reducing human errorThe Basher system relies on electronic technologies to monitor traffic violations and record accidents accurately and immediately, which reduces reliance on manual procedures that may lead to errors.

Speed ​​up the processThe system contributes to accelerating the process of recording violations and notifying drivers immediately, which saves time and effort for both parties, drivers and traffic officers, and improves the efficiency of traffic services.

Promote public safetyBy accurately monitoring violations such as using the phone while driving or not wearing a seat belt, the Basher system contributes to improving driver behavior and reducing accidents, which increases the level of safety on the roads.

Supporting digital transformationThe system is in line with Saudi Vision 2030, which seeks to enhance the use of technology in all sectors, as it contributes to transforming traffic operations into a comprehensive electronic system that facilitates access to services and payment of violations in an easy manner.

Raising traffic awarenessBy notifying drivers of violations as soon as they occur, Basher increases drivers’ awareness of traffic laws and makes them more committed to the rules, thus reducing wrong behavior on the roads.


In short, Basher is an effective tool for improving traffic management and increasing road safety, in addition to supporting digital transformation efforts in the Kingdom.


Role of DocSuite SystemHR in helping organizations dealing with Bashir system

Doc Sweet system playsHR" plays a vital role in supporting institutions that deal with the Basher system, as it works to provide integrated solutions for human resources management in a way that keeps pace with the technological developments that the Basher system relies on to monitor traffic violations. Through this system, institutions can follow up on the performance of field employees, such as traffic officers who use "Basher", and record all the details related to their daily work in terms of adherence to deadlines, violations that have been monitored, and the efficiency of task implementation.

Doc Sweet helpsHR" enables institutions to record and manage all employee data easily and accurately, as it links employee records to field work data, allowing for a more comprehensive evaluation of employee performance. For example, if a traffic officer uses the Bashir system to monitor violations, this activity is documented and linked to his personal file in the "DocSuite HR" system.

This link enables management to monitor performance rates and analyze the productivity of each employee based on the number of violations detected or the actions taken during a specific period.

In addition, the system contributes to improving the analysis and administrative reporting processes, as the human resources department can generate periodic reports on the performance of employees in the field, and identify points that require improvement or additional training. The system also enables the possibility of monitoring employee absences, which ensures the optimal allocation of human resources, especially in tasks that require continuous field presence such as traffic management.

Thanks to DocSuietHR", organizations can ensure that their employees comply with the laws and regulations related to the Bashir system, which contributes to achieving the highest levels of efficiency and commitment, and enhances the ability of organizations to provide higher quality services, whether in the field of traffic or any other sector in which they deal with advanced technical applications.

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