The resume management solution your company needs

DocSuite HR is an effective tool for managing resumes that helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment processes in companies.

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The resume management solution your company needs
The resume management solution your company needs

Over the years of our experience in the field of information technology, we have noticed that managing resumes is a major concern for most IT companies, especially those that outsource their consultants. With knowledge and many new ideas, we knew we had to do something about it!

So, in this article, we present how to create a resume management solution that will help grow your business.

The Best Resume Management Solution

 Advanced, ultra-modern, and up-to-date... When you hear these words, they easily bring you back to technology. But when you think about recruitment in this industry, these words certainly do not apply, do they? Most companies suffer from a common problem: managing resumes.

For example, take "Tech ABC," a globally known company that often responds to calls for tenders from the European Commission. Like many other large companies, they have a shared folder or SharePoint site that stores all resumes. Therefore, every time they need information about their consultants, they have to search everywhere, often in different languages, templates, and formats. This, of course, is like looking for a needle in a haystack! Usually, there are no filters to guide them, leading to hours and hours of searching to identify suitable candidates.

The Best Resume Management Solution

The Doc Suite HR system eliminates the idea of manually processing job applications. For application submission, candidates do not need to send an email; instead, they use a page linked to their Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Without it, the person elected as the "Newbie of the Week" would probably have to clean the inbox, search through all the resumes, and add them to the ATS – manually!

Can you imagine the number of errors and missed job applications without reliable resume management software?

Managing Resumes and Adapting Them to the Correct Template

In many companies, after submitting a job application, they suggest an interview date to the candidates and ask them to fill out a resume form. If the applicant applies to three different companies, imagine the effort involved in filling out three different resume forms manually!

Worse still, many companies do this themselves manually. How many work hours could be saved using a good resume management parser that pre-fills all the data?

Finding the Right Candidates Within the Consultant Database

Usually, very few consultant data are saved in the companies' ATS. This means finding consultants within the database is also problematic.

For example, consider this client request:

+5 years of experience in Java development +2 years of experience in Angular Experience with Spring, Hibernate Basic level of English is an asset

Is it easy to know how many candidates match this request? No, so companies typically find it easier to start a new process rather than search their internal database for received applications.

Recognizing Your Team's Skills

From time to time, companies launch internal surveys to recognize their employees' skills (how many Java, Angular, .Net, etc.) or understand their experience levels (how many consultants have more than 5 years in Java programming, for example). This process remains very manual, and the type of reports that could truly help the company understand the skills and teams better is very limited since the data is not stored properly.

GDPR Compliance

All the new rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018, but many companies still lack compliance in processing job applications. So here are some important things to keep in mind when managing resumes:

Always contact consultants: Uploading every resume you find is illegal under the GDPR. Please contact consultants and obtain their consent before starting to process and manage resumes. Contact consultants as soon as possible: You can only keep consultant data without their consent for up to one month. Contact them as soon as possible and delete their data if they request it. Process only the data you need: Also, avoid processing sensitive data, especially if you do not need it when managing resumes. Obtain data legally: Collecting data from social profiles, public websites, and resume databases is legal under the GDPR if these profiles are publicly available. It is legal to assume that these consultants expect to be contacted. You can contact them, but before processing their data, you must obtain their consent. For all these reasons, it is very important to have good consent management for received data and resumes. Companies should always request candidate consent, renew it often, and always provide the candidate with the option to withdraw.

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? Whether you are the owner, manager, or recruitment officer of an IT company, you surely know what we are talking about in resume management. Many IT outsourcing companies face these problems in resume management, ATS, matching candidates to requests, managing GDPR, and knowing their teams' skills in real-time. Time and efficiency are crucial factors in this competitive market, and having an inefficient process for managing each step of the candidate/resume cycle can prevent companies from growing their business.

Doc Suite HR as a Resume Management Solution

For these reasons, we created Doc Suite HR – a true solution that includes resume management. Take a look at how to automate the entire process, from selecting suitable applicants to proposing the right consultants. Our aim is to provide a solution that covers the complete lifecycle of the candidate/resume, from job application to onboarding and the full development of the consultant within the company, by visiting our website.


Key Roles of Doc Suite HR in Resume Management

Storing and Organizing Resumes: Doc Suite HR can store all resumes in a centralized location, making them easily accessible and organized effectively. Resumes can be categorized based on various criteria such as experience, qualifications, and specialization.

Automated Search and Screening: The system provides tools to search for suitable candidates based on predefined keywords and criteria, facilitating the initial resume screening process and identifying the most suitable applicants.

Integration with Other Systems: The system can integrate with job portals and other HR management systems, allowing for the automatic collection and management of resumes from various sources on a single platform.

Managing Recruitment Processes: The system helps manage all stages of the recruitment process, from receiving resumes through screening, interviews, and final selection, with the ability to easily track the status of each applicant.

Data Analysis and Reporting: The system provides detailed analytical reports on resume data, such as the number of applicants, their geographical distribution, experience levels, and other data that help make informed hiring decisions.

Facilitating Communication: The system streamlines communication between recruiters and applicants through integrated email messages and automatic updates on application status.

In summary, Doc Suite HR is an effective tool for managing resumes that helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment processes in companies.


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