Frequently asked questions about the social security system developed in Saudi Arabia

It has been announced that the developed social security system has been activated in Saudi Arabia, targeting beneficiaries of elderly groups, widows and orphans, in addition to women without a family and the children of Saudi widows. This is an exci

topics / System and work environment
Social security developed in Saudi Arabia
Social security developed in Saudi Arabia

In an impressive step towards a sustainable and innovative future, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announced the activation of the advanced social security system, which witnessed the launch of a series of comprehensive answers to the most important questions about this prominent transformation, and the vital updates and modifications that the social security platform has undergone.


الأسئلة الشائعة لنظام الضمان الاجتماعي المطور فى السعوديةIn this article, we embark on a journey into the world of progress and improvement, where eligible people are invited to join the developed social security program. Discover how this new system enhances your life and future, and be part of a transformation that reflects a modern vision for community care and development.


Who are the beneficiaries of the social security system developed in Saudi Arabia?

The Ministry of Human and Social Resources has determined the categories eligible for a social security pension in Saudi Arabia in accordance with the Social Security Regulations, and the categories are classified as follows:

Older groups of old men or women who cannot work.

  • Lack of a breadwinner for the family, such as: families of widows, orphans, divorced women, and families of absent and missing persons.
  • Category of orphans whose father is deceased or whose father is unknown.
  • A woman who does not have a breadwinner, such as: a divorced woman, a widow, a wife of a missing or absent person, or a drug addict.
  • Children of Saudi widows and divorcees.


الأسئلة الشائعة لنظام الضمان الاجتماعي المطور فى السعوديةWhat are the conditions for entitlement to the advanced security pension?

In honor of its social obligations, the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has set 5 conditions for eligibility for the advanced security pension, and they are:

Naturalization and Residency

Basic requirement: Saudi citizenship or permanent residency in the Kingdom.

An exception is made for non-Saudi women married to a Saudi and non-Saudi widows and divorcees with Saudi children.

Income value

Income does not exceed the specified minimum pension: 1,100 riyals for a family and 550 riyals for an individual.

  1. Commitment to services
  2. Commitment to providing health and education services to children.
  3. Participate in training and employment programs to improve the level of individuals.
  4. Not staying in homes or shelters.


Being outside the city

The presence of a family member for the purpose of studying outside the city does not affect the pension entitlement.


Not owning high value assets.


What are the features of the system?

Learn about the most important advantages of the social security system developed in Saudi Arabia:

  1. Providing financial support to the poorest families.
  2. Determines the priority level of support.
  3. It helps in facilitating application into the system and communicating with the responsible institutions.
  4. Qualifying and training individuals to keep pace with the labor market.
  5. Help in obtaining suitable jobs, even through self-employment professions.
  6. Increasing the skills of the workforce in Saudi government agencies and bodies.
  7. Ensure that Zakat funds reach those entitled to them.


الأسئلة الشائعة لنظام الضمان الاجتماعي المطور فى السعوديةWhat are the sources of support for the social security system developed in Saudi Arabia?

Some people entitled to support may wonder where the money they receive from the developed guarantee system comes from, and these sources are as follows:

  • Zakat funds within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Financial support for the Social Security Corporation from the Saudi state treasury.
  • Donations, gifts and charity from people.



What are the sources of support for the social security system developed in Saudi Arabia?

Some people entitled to support may wonder where the money they receive from the developed guarantee system comes from, and these sources are as follows:

  • Zakat funds within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Financial support for the Social Security Corporation from the Saudi state treasury.
  • Donations, gifts and charity from people.


الأسئلة الشائعة لنظام الضمان الاجتماعي المطور فى السعوديةHow to register for Developed Social Security 2023

To learn how to register for the 2023 Advanced Warranty, follow these steps:


  1. Access the system’s website via the following link: here
  2. Click on electronic services.
  3. Select the Social Development electronic services portal.
  4. Log in using your ID number, mobile number, date of birth, and password.
  5. Type the water symbol.
  6. Click Register.
  7. Click Confirm after the message arrives.
  8. Choose a security pension.
  9. Click to enter the service.
  10. Select the warranty office and category.
  11. Type the required data.
  12. Upload the file, agree to the terms and conditions, and submit the application


الأسئلة الشائعة لنظام الضمان الاجتماعي المطور فى السعودية



Frequently asked questions about the developed social security system

We answer most of the questions you are looking for answers about activating the developed social security system:


  • How long does it take to study the application in Developed Social Security?

The application is evaluated within 20 business days, and the initial evaluation is completed within 3 business days.


  • Why am I added with a family member when I am divorced?

Home is considered one of the pillars of the definition of family, and income and pension are calculated from it.


  • Which affiliates can be added during registration?

It includes everyone living in the same residence, with the exception of students who live separately for the purpose of study.


  • What income should I disclose?

It includes all types of income, property, assets and wealth.


  • How can I apply if I have more than one wife in separate homes?

Each family is independent and deserves an independent pension according to specific laws.


  • Should all assets be disclosed, regardless of whether there is a financial return or not?

Yes, you must disclose all of your assets, whether they have financial returns or not. This obligation comes within the framework of the developed social security system, as it seeks to maintain transparency and justice in the distribution of pensions.


  • How are the current categories eligible for pension dealt with if they are not eligible according to the developed system?

The developed system is flexible in dealing with these cases, as needs are determined based on a fair calculation mechanism, with a transition plan that ensures the smooth transfer of beneficiaries to the new system in the event their entitlement changes.


  • What is the mechanism for evaluating the status of beneficiaries and what are the steps followed in this context?

The condition of the beneficiaries is evaluated by verifying their data submitted electronically, visiting their residence to verify the validity of the data, with a careful study of the case based on the collected data, and informing the applicant of the decision within a certain period of time.


  • Do the citizen’s account and the incentive affect eligibility for the security pension?

Yes, the Citizen's Account and the incentive are considered part of unearned income and affect eligibility for a Social Security pension.


  • Does the value of the pension change and what are the factors affecting these changes?

Of course, the value of an annuity can change based on multiple factors such as the number of dependents, total income, assets owned, and expenses.


  • Does the pension include children if they are outside the family’s residence?

The pension is paid to those who always reside in one residence only, and is not calculated for children who reside outside the family residence or reside there temporarily.


  • Why do the eligibility conditions and continuity of pension payment depend on searching for work?

The system aims to support eligible beneficiaries and transform them into productive individuals, and therefore requires searching for work as part of the eligibility continuum to motivate eligible individuals to improve their standard of living through participation in the labor market.


الأسئلة الشائعة لنظام الضمان الاجتماعي المطور فى السعوديةThe official link for the new developed warranty

The Ministry of Human Resources announced the link to the developed social security website in order to assist many people who apply to the new developed social security system in order to obtain the social security pension that most families in the Kingdom need because it provides for their special needs.

The Ministry also announced that the Social Protection and Support Portal is on the way to accessing Social Security, which can be accessed through the following link:

The social security system developed in Saudi Arabia provides financial support to poor families, determines the priority of support and facilitates the application process and communication with the concerned authorities. It also contributes to qualifying individuals for the labor market and providing suitable jobs, including self-employment, enhances the skills of the workforce and ensures that zakat reaches the eligible.


How does DocSuite serve similar systems?

The DocSuite system serves systems similar to the social security system developed in Saudi Arabia by providing technological solutions that facilitate the management of necessary information, such as:

Beneficiary management

DocSuite facilitates efficient tracking and management of beneficiaries, which contributes to determining eligibility and directing resources effectively.

Recording information

DocSuite can be used to accurately record beneficiary information, facilitating immediate updating of records and providing comprehensive visibility.

Issuing reports

The Doc Suite system offers the ability to issue periodic reports that help evaluate the system's performance and the effectiveness of resource distribution.

effective communication

DocSuite enables effective communication with beneficiaries and the provision of important information in a transparent and effective manner.

Security and confidentiality

The Doc Suite system is keen to provide high levels of security and confidentiality to ensure the protection of sensitive information and reports.


By using the Doc Suite system, the efficiency of social security system management can be improved and the provision of services to beneficiaries can be facilitated better.

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