download Book of principles of management and organization Free

The book Fundamentals of Management and Organization adds that management science is distinguished from other sciences in that there is a large space for human creativity because it originally relies on principles and foundations, through which there

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download Book of principles of management and organization Free

Author: Mohamed Al-Fatih Mahmoud Bashir Al-Maghribi

Summary of the Book "Principles of Management and Organization"

The book "Principles of Management and Organization" discusses, in its thirteen chapters, the basics of management, the development of administrative thought, planning, the principles of administrative organization, the administrative communication process, organizational belonging, control and direction, administrative leadership and decision-making, project functions, and motivation.

The book explains that today, management is of great importance due to its penetration into all aspects of activity, whether in institutions, companies, or government sectors. Management is vital and essential in our present time because it directly contributes to facilitating tasks and focusing attention on objectives.

The book adds that the science of management is distinguished from other sciences by providing a large space for human creativity as it fundamentally relies on principles and foundations, through which the ability to create ideas for work development is possible.

The book "Principles of Management and Organization" discusses in its first chapter the basics of management, in the second chapter the development of administrative thought and administrative perspectives, in the third chapter planning, in the fourth chapter the principles of administrative organization, in the fifth chapter the administrative communication process, and in the sixth chapter organizational culture.

The seventh chapter discusses organizational belonging, the eighth chapter control, the ninth chapter direction, the tenth chapter administrative leadership, the eleventh chapter decision-making, the twelfth chapter project functions, and the thirteenth chapter motivation.

In conclusion, the author of the book presents a significant effort to contribute to enriching the Arabic library with another book in the fields of management.

The book notes that management is as old as humanity itself and permeates all human activities in various administrative organizations, aiming to achieve specific goals through joint human effort and the provision of appropriate material and technical means. Management is credited with humanity's greatest triumphs.

The author emphasizes that humans have always been and continue to be the focus of all societies, striving for their development and welfare. Societies believe that humans are the creators of progress and welfare. Historical experiences and experiments have shown that humans bear the majority of the burden in achieving progress.

The book confirms that management has existed since the inception of humanity, and its importance has grown as humans recognized the need for planning, organizing, and controlling their activities for thousands of years. Despite this, scientific interest in management as a concept, set of principles, and theories only began in the late 19th century.

The book stresses the importance of management, stating that many philosophies and doctrines have explained its significant role in all societies at all times and places because it is concerned with achieving societal goals. Management intervenes in all aspects of human activity: education, health, industry, agriculture, trade, defense, security, organizations, and social activities.

The book notes that management is essential for every individual and group in any society as it addresses an important function of human society, which is to achieve the objectives sought by every individual and society.

The book asserts that the importance of management lies in its penetration into all aspects of human activity. It works on setting and achieving goals, thus effectively bringing together individual skills while using all material resources. Management is necessary for any human endeavor, which cannot be accomplished unless the group works as one hand, and this unity is achieved through management.

Management is vital and essential in our modern era because it directly contributes to facilitating tasks and focusing on objectives.

The science of management differs from other sciences in that it offers a large space for human creativity because it fundamentally relies on principles and foundations, allowing the capability to add ideas for work development.

The book adds that the importance of management became evident after World War II in 1945, with a significant expansion in factory establishments, necessitating a quantitative and qualitative shift in developing management work through the contributions of many scholars in this field.


The Relationship Between the Doc Suite HR System and the Book "Principles of Management and Organization"

The DocSuite HR system is known for managing employee information in organizations, such as personal data, salaries, attendance, and more. The book "Principles of Management and Organization" covers business management and organizational principles, providing a deep understanding of how to effectively organize and manage institutions.

The relationship between the system and the book lies in the fact that using the Doc Suite HR system requires a good understanding of business management and organizational principles found in books like "Principles of Management and Organization." The practical application of the system relies on employing correct management concepts such as work organization, human resource planning, and capability development, which are discussed in the book.

You can download the book "Principles of Management and Organization" directly from here.


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