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Creativity activation book adds that the process of implementing creativity is not easy, because the creator can face many difficulties, including resistance to his new ideas, and that losing motivation, as a practical challenge can eliminate his ent

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download Activating creativity book Free

Author: Kumar Nosher

Summary of the Book "Activating Creativity"

The book "Activating Creativity" includes accessible tools and self-selections, along with real-life examples to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and hone your critical skills. Whether you're sitting at your desk, in a meeting, or on your way to work, you can find support in this book to address the daily demands of your job more quickly, with good precision and efficiency.

The book emphasizes that today's companies must develop creative products and services and innovate in their business management methods, such as reducing error rates and better understanding consumer needs, to maintain their competitive edge. All this creativity requires creative thinking, but this is just the first step in successful creativity. If new ideas are not put into practice—if they are not turned into new products or processes—they lose their importance to the organization.

"Activating Creativity" also explains that implementing creativity is not easy, as creatives can face numerous challenges, including resistance to their new ideas and a loss of motivation, which can kill their enthusiasm for the idea. The book shows how to overcome these obstacles so that your new idea becomes more than just an idea, as it will result in measurable values for the organization you work in.


About the Author of "Activating Creativity"

Kumar Nosher, the author of "Activating Creativity," is a teacher and consultant with over twenty years of experience in the field of creativity application. He has taught strategies of creative management and technology management at Boston University and Melbourne University. Mr. Kumar has also assisted numerous companies, such as 3M, AT&T (Bell Labs), General Electric, Gillette, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, and National Semiconductor, in improving their practices in the field of creativity.

Dr. Nosher conducts workshops and courses in various fields such as creative skills and creativity management. He is also a speaker at many conferences on topics related to creativity and talent, such as new product development and knowledge management. Dr. Nosher holds a Ph.D. in Technical Creativity Management from MIT and is the founder of the company Fidia.


Summary of the Book "Activating Creativity"

The current business climate is characterized by rapid change, where modern technologies, government regulations, and the global market have forced many companies to develop new products, distinguish their services, and, at the same time, increase productivity and lower costs. To maintain their competitive advantages, companies must continually innovate and create.

When you hear the word "creativity," you might think of technology-based services like online shopping or breakthrough products like smartphones. However, creativity comes in various forms. For example, a new process for sharing knowledge and information more efficiently in a software production company in New York (USA) and Berlin (Germany) allows employees who have never met before to communicate about their clients or even review product specifications in much less time than before. Such a creative process may not involve new technology or result in a new product but can give the company a significant competitive advantage by increasing its knowledge base or improving customer service.

"Activating Creativity" defines creativity as a new product, service, or innovative way of conducting business that enables the organization to increase its competitive edge.

However, creative ideas for new products, services, or processes do not necessarily become creativity. Creativity happens when new ideas are developed and implemented or put into practice. Successful creatives start where creative thinking ends; they take a new idea and apply it to a real problem, resulting in a new product, service, or widely-used process. By understanding the types of creativity, creatives, and the necessary steps to implement creativity, we begin to increase our knowledge of how to turn a creative idea into a valuable product, necessary service, or process within the organizations we work for.


The Relationship Between the Doc Suite HR System and the Book "Activating Creativity"

The Doc Suite HR system is used for human resource management in companies, while "Activating Creativity" focuses on developing individual creativity and innovation skills. The relationship between them lies in using the Doc Suite HR system to organize human resource development processes, including training and development courses that can incorporate the principles of the book and enhance creativity and innovation in the work environment.

You can download the book "Activating Creativity" directly from here.


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