download Business Creativity Book: Readings on Administrative Excellence and Organizational Excellence

The Business Creativity Book is an intellectual starting point for students, professors, professionals, and businessmen. It represents a nucleus for future research, studies, and applications on practical areas of creativity in young business organiz

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download Business Creativity Book: Readings on Administrative Excellence and Organizational Excellence
download Business Creativity Book: Readings on Administrative Excellence and Organizational Excellence

Author: Saad Ali Al-Enzi

Summary of the Book "Business Innovations"

Experts affirm that creativity today is not limited to products, services, and technologies. It can extend to individual, team, and organizational interventions, the use of individual and collective intelligence, cultures, behaviors, structures, information, and plans. This has led most business organizations in developed countries to reevaluate human, intellectual, and social factors, giving them priority and a distinguished role.

Knowledge has become the most crucial asset for future survival and success, considered a strategic resource that provides sustainable competitive advantage. This book aims to discuss the innovations of business organizations due to their significant impact on the services provided to society. It ensures their survival, continuity, enhances the quality of their products, and strengthens their competitiveness. The contents of "Business Innovations" are presented in twenty diverse chapters, adopting practical examples and case studies of various business organizations in both developed and developing countries.

"Business Innovations" serves as an intellectual foundation for students, professors, professionals, and businesspeople, representing a nucleus for future research, studies, and applications in the field of creativity in business organizations, including even struggling ones.

The book asserts that learning organizations are sources of creative ideas capable of creating welfare societies. No organization in developed countries is devoid of aspects where creativity, innovation, and invention can manifest, stemming from their social responsibility and ethical principles towards serving society and its customers. This is achieved through improving provided services, introducing new processes, changes, or increasing knowledge that enriches their scientific and practical heritage, enhancing their competitive strength, ultimately transforming them into knowledge organizations. Furthermore, it improves their reputation and standing among customers and strategic beneficiaries locally and globally.


Therefore, the importance of "Business Innovations" is evident in the following aspects:

Adopting a Suitable Approach for Organizational Success in Developing Countries: The book highlights the need for organizations to adapt to environments characterized by continuous change and volatility, similar to developed countries. This necessitates investing in creativity and providing a conducive climate for introducing new and improved methods in various business operations, structural changes, advanced information systems, quality improvement, knowledge management, and strategic planning to achieve desired objectives.

Highlighting the Strategic Role of Talented Human Resources: The book emphasizes the importance of skilled, capable, and qualified human resources in managing creativity through training, development, increasing skills and experiences, and encouraging continuous professional development and self-learning. This investment in human, intellectual, and social capital is crucial for driving change and transforming organizations into intelligent, learning entities in the creative business world.

Serving as an Intellectual Foundation: "Business Innovations" is a resource for students, professors, professionals, and businesspeople, forming a basis for future research, studies, and practical applications in the field of creativity in young and even struggling business organizations. This stems from the recognition that creativity is the ability of employees in these organizations to produce a vast amount of fluency, flexibility, and originality to address stimulating situations and complex problems.

Drawing Attention to Creativity: The book calls on top management and decision-making centers in business organizations and the public sector to focus on creativity by selecting and developing qualified human resources, providing a supportive organizational climate, and ensuring suitable investment in effective creativity management.

Discovering Creative Elements: The book discusses how to identify and develop creative individuals within each organization, providing appropriate care and opportunities for growth. This involves recognizing the attributes and characteristics of individuals to discover creative elements, ultimately enhancing the organization’s advancement.

Thus, "Business Innovations" demonstrates that the creativity we study represents a sophisticated form of human activity and creation. After machines replaced human labor in factories and organizations, the need shifted from human muscles to intellectual, creative energy. The demand for innovative and creative activity has increased, requiring every business organization to cultivate creative capabilities in its members to keep pace with rapid development and improve creative abilities to remain at the top or strive to reach it. The term "Business Innovations" (Business Innovation) in the book refers to new or distinctive applications, highlighting that creativity in organizations can take many forms: ideas, applications, or material innovations, as well as elements characterized by novelty.


The Relationship Between the Doc Suite HR System and the Book "Business Innovations"

The Doc Suite HR system is used in companies to manage various aspects of employee work, such as salaries, training, evaluations, and more. On the other hand, the book "Business Innovations: Readings in Managerial Excellence and Organizational Superiority" discusses topics relevant to management and organization in companies, providing analyses and ideas on achieving excellence and innovation in work.

The relationship between them lies in the fact that using the Doc Suite HR system can be part of a company’s strategy to achieve organizational excellence as proposed in the book "Business Innovations." This system can be part of the tools and processes that help achieve the goals of excellence and organizational superiority outlined in the book.

You can download the book "Business Innovations" directly from here.


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