download Human capital management book Free

The Human Capital Management book adds that stimulating investment in human capital and providing a safe environment and havens for efficient investment in it requires the presence of effective management for this purpose, which analyzes and strategi

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download Human capital management book Free

Author: Ahmad Ali Saleh

Summary of the Book: Human Capital Management

The introduction of a book represents its identity in terms of describing its intellectual orientation, philosophical vision, knowledge and procedural goals, main discussions, and the roadmap for its analyses and syntheses that connect ideas with facts and results. Based on this approach, the introduction to "Human Capital Management" includes the following sections:

Why Human Capital Management?

The implicit knowledge reservoir present in Human Capital represents the minds of human resources, making up 75-85% of the organizational knowledge stock. This is generated by human cognitive ability, which is an interactive portfolio of intangible assets including (knowledge, experience, skills, education, and historical heritage). Investing in these assets is essential because their productivity curve increases with age, not subject to the law of diminishing returns. Moreover, these assets can be used simultaneously and repeatedly, unlike other assets. Investing in them leads to extracting implicit knowledge and transforming it into practical behaviors and practices that benefit in:

Developing strategies

to attract, nurture, and grow talents capable of producing innovative ideas and continuous creativity.

Enhancing entrepreneurial capabilities and fostering an entrepreneurial culture.

Building core competencies and unique abilities that are difficult for competitors to imitate or replicate.

Maximizing benefits from technological innovation by learning how to extract value from creativity.

Leading performance excellence through proactive delivery of products and services, contributing to increased economic and market value.

Achieving and sustaining competitive advantage by developing and enhancing unprecedented ideas that widen the knowledge gap between the organization and its competitors, making them struggle and incur high imitation costs.

The book emphasizes that stimulating investment in human capital and providing safe havens for efficient investment necessitates effective management. This involves strategic analysis, planning, organization, monitoring, and addressing factors that cause organizational collapse and human resource leakage, which is the role of human capital management.

Defining Human Capital Management

"Human Capital Management" is defined as a strategic intellectual methodology for investing in human capital. It involves analyzing the reasons and necessities for investment, strategic thinking and planning for suitable alternatives and options, identifying and addressing investment deterrents, and crafting a future for efficient investment.

The Purpose of the Book: Human Capital Management

The book aims to establish a knowledge base for the intellectual and procedural framework of human capital management, broadening organizational decision-makers' understanding of the subject, motivating them to analyze its practices and application mechanisms, and enhancing their incentive to adopt it as an entrepreneurial culture.

Relationship Between "Doc Suite HR" System and the Book "Human Capital Management"

The book focuses on strategically managing human resources effectively to achieve organizational goals and develop employees' skills and capabilities. On the other hand, the "Doc Suite HR" system is an electronic system that allows companies to manage human resources efficiently, including aspects like recruitment, training, payroll, and employee retention.

The relationship between the two lies in the fact that the book provides the principles and strategies necessary for effective workforce management, while the "DocSuite HR" system offers the technical tools to implement these strategies and achieve them practically. The system can be used to support and implement ideas and practices proposed in the book, such as performance tracking, training provision, and talent management. Thus, they complement each other in the field of human resource management.


Role of the "Doc Suite HR" System in Human Capital Management

The "Doc Suite HR" system helps organizations organize and simplify processes related to human capital management. Its role includes:

Employee Profile Management:

Provides a centralized database containing all employee information, such as contact details, work experience, skills, and more.

Recruitment Management:

 Assists in the recruitment process by tracking applicants and managing hiring processes from start to finish, including job postings, applicant screening, and interviews.

Payroll and Benefits Management:

 Offers tools for calculating salaries and benefits, tracking employee records, including leaves and allowances.

Performance Evaluation:

 Can be used for conducting performance evaluations, tracking employee goals and progress, which helps improve individual and team performance.

Training and Development Management:

Identifies training needs, tracks training programs, and records attendance.

Internal Communication:

Facilitates internal communication between employees and management, enhancing collaboration and effectiveness.


Ensures compliance with policies and regulations related to human capital management, such as labor laws and taxes.

Overall, the "Doc Suite HR" system contributes to improving the efficiency of human capital management and enhancing the employee experience within the organization.

You can download the book "Human Capital Management" directly from here.


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