download Operations Research Book: A Scientific Introduction to Decision Making Free

The book Operations Research: A Scientific Introduction to Decision Making covers a set of quantitative analysis tools classified according to decision-making situations, namely decision-making under a state of complete certainty, under a state of ri

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download Operations Research Book: A Scientific Introduction to Decision Making Free
download Operations Research Book: A Scientific Introduction to Decision Making Free

Author: Munam Zamzir Al-Mouso

Summary of the Book: Operations Research: A Scientific Approach to Decision Making

The rapid expansion of project sizes, accompanied by the multiplicity and conflict of objectives and the abundance of alternatives for making a single decision, has made managing these projects a complex and challenging task. This complexity has led to the use of many quantitative analysis tools under the name of management science or operations research in the last quarter of the current century. Additionally, there are numerous computerized quantitative models that currently contribute to solving administrative problems.

Given the importance of the decision-making process, which is the foundation of administrative activity, it requires special capabilities from the decision-maker, such as vitality, the ability to think, creativity, and innovation. Due to the comprehensive and complex nature of this process and the significance of its results, various approaches and methods have been developed and used.

The term "approach" refers to the method or technique used to accomplish the decision-making process. All these approaches rely on the use of information as the foundation and primary input for the process.

The book "Operations Research: A Scientific Approach to Decision Making" addresses a range of quantitative analysis tools classified according to decision-making scenarios, including decision-making under conditions of complete certainty, risk, and uncertainty.

The book emphasizes that many contemporary management scholars believe that decision-making is the essence of administrative and engineering work. Managers often see decision-making as their primary task, requiring them to continually choose what should be done, by whom, how, where, and when.

The book also notes that the recent years of the current century have witnessed significant progress in using quantitative methods for decision-making. This is mainly due to the rapid growth in various computer applications in administrative and industrial fields, such as Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Expert Systems (ES), and other developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI). These advancements necessitate that those involved in administrative and industrial work, including managers, accountants, and engineers, are familiar with quantitative analysis tools to benefit from them in reaching successful decisions through a systematic and integrated scientific approach.

The book covers various quantitative analysis tools classified according to decision-making scenarios, such as decision-making under conditions of complete certainty, risk, and uncertainty. The author has endeavored to present the material in a simplified and clear manner, avoiding complex or mathematical proofs, and providing many examples and practical cases to enhance understanding and comprehension.

The book highlights that the rapid expansion of project sizes, accompanied by the multiplicity and conflict of objectives and the abundance of alternatives for making a single decision, has made managing these projects a complex and challenging task. This complexity has led to the use of many quantitative analysis tools under the name of management science or operations research. Additionally, there are numerous computerized quantitative models that currently contribute to solving administrative problems. Quantitative analysis tools rely on a systematic scientific approach to study the available alternatives for the decision-maker, highlighting their potential impacts to arrive at the best possible solution for the problem at hand (optimal solution).

The Relationship Between the DocSuite HR System and the Book "Operations Research: A Scientific Approach to Decision Making"

The DocSuite HR system is used for managing employees and HR-related operations in organizations. On the other hand, the book "Operations Research: A Scientific Approach to Decision Making" is a scientific reference that discusses concepts and scientific methods for decision-making in the field of operations research.

The relationship between them lies in the fact that the DocSuite HR system can be used to apply the concepts and techniques presented in the book for decision-making related to human resources. This includes employee recruitment, improving job performance, organizing schedules, and other strategic and tactical decisions.

You can download the book "Operations Research: A Scientific Approach to Decision Making" directly from here.


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