General Authority of Transport in Saudi Arabia: Its Role, Origins and Regulatory Strategy

The General Transport Authority is considered the cornerstone of the development of the transport sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it works hard to achieve the goals of sustainable development by improving the quality of services and provid

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General Authority of Transport in Saudi Arabia: Its Role, Origins and Regulatory Strategy
General Authority of Transport in Saudi Arabia: Its Role, Origins and Regulatory Strategy


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The General Transport Authority in Saudi Arabia: its role, origins, and regulatory strategy

In light of the continued expansion and growth of the transportation sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the General Transport Authority stands out as a key body in regulating and developing this vital sector, as it supervises all rail, sea, and land transportation activities. The authority’s importance is to ensure the provision of high-quality transportation services that meet the needs of Society and enhance the effectiveness of transportation infrastructure, and with the increasing complexities and administrative needs associated with this sector, effective human resource management tools become an urgent necessity.

This is where the Doc Suite system comes into playHR, which represents an integrated solution for managing human resources in institutions that deal with the General Authority for Transport’s platform. This system’s role is not only limited to improving the efficiency of employee management, but also extends to organizing administrative processes and enhancing accuracy in monitoring performance and managing human resources in innovative ways.

In this article, we will learn closely about the Public Transport Authority and the role of the Doc Suite systemHR with it.


What is the Public Transport Authority?

The General Transport Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is known as the body responsible for regulating and developing the transport sector of its various types, including rail, sea and land transport, through licensing activities and monitoring the quality and safety of services. The importance of this body is evident in it being the regulatory and legislative authority that seeks to achieve Economic and social development goals in the Kingdom, in line with the ambitious Vision 2030.


What is the origin and development of the Authority?

The Public Transport Authority was established pursuant to Cabinet Resolution No. (373) dated 15 Dhul-Qi’dah 1433 AH, which established the Authority as the supreme regulatory authority in the transportation sector. Initially, the authority was known as the “Public Transport Authority” and was responsible for regulating all transportation activities in the Kingdom.

The Authority developed over time, as its first organization was issued pursuant to Council of Ministers Resolution No. (323) dated 14 Ramadan 1434 AH, which stipulated the definition of its tasks and powers. In a later step, the Railway Authority was merged with the Public Transport Authority pursuant to Cabinet Resolution No. (248) dated 12 Jumada al-Thani 1437 AH, within the framework of enhancing integration between the railway transport sector and public transport.

Later, the organization of the Authority was amended to become organizationally linked to the Prime Minister, with the Chairman of its Board of Directors appointed by royal order, pursuant to Council of Ministers Resolution No. (707) dated 30 Dhul-Qi’dah 1438 AH, and finally, the name of the Authority was changed from “Public Transport Authority” to “ The General Authority for Transport", pursuant to Cabinet Resolution No. (631) dated 11-6-1440 AH, which reflects the expansion of its scope of powers and the strengthening of its role in the transportation sector.


Corporate strategy of the General Transport Authority

The corporate strategy of the General Transport Authority is to develop and improve rail, sea and land transport activities in accordance with the latest technologies and the highest quality standards. The Authority aims to provide a highly efficient transport environment at an appropriate cost, which enhances investment opportunities in the transport industry and contributes to achieving economic and social development goals. For the kingdom.

Its strategy is based on a set of basic axes, including improving the quality of service in all transportation sectors, enhancing safety and security, and providing a regulatory environment that supports innovation and the application of modern technologies. The Authority also seeks to attract investments in the transportation sector by providing incentives and facilities to investors, and developing an integrated infrastructure. It supports the sustainable growth of the sector, and aims to achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental preservation, by adopting sustainable transportation practices that contribute to reducing the environmental impact of transportation activities.


What is the organizational structure of the Authority?

The organizational structure of the Public Transport Authority includes a group of departments and units that work in harmony to achieve the Authority’s objectives. The Board of Directors, whose president is appointed by royal decree, assumes leadership of the Public Transport Authority and approves its general policies. The Board of Directors consists of a group of experts and specialists in the field of transportation, and supervises its Developing strategies and making important strategic decisions. Under the supervision of the Board of Directors, the Authority operates through specialized departments covering various aspects of the transportation sector, including rail transportation, maritime transportation, and land transportation. Each department assumes specific responsibilities related to organizing and monitoring the quality of services in the sector it supervises.

The various departments contribute to the implementation of the Authority’s strategic policies and plans, and coordinate among themselves to ensure the achievement of general objectives and enhance the effectiveness of operations.


What are the Authority’s sectors and membership?

The General Transport Authority supervises several vital sectors in the field of transport, which include rail transport, maritime transport, and land transport. Each of these sectors has its own characteristics and challenges, and the Public Transport Authority seeks to develop them in an integrated manner in line with the latest international standards. In the railway transport sector, the Authority works to improve the infrastructure and enhance safety and comfort in railway transport.

As for the maritime transport sector, the Authority regulates and develops ports and maritime services, in a way that supports international trade and enhances the efficiency of maritime transport. In the land transport sector, the Authority focuses on improving the quality of roads and land transport to ensure the safety of travelers and the efficiency of logistics services.

The Public Transport Authority cooperates with many governmental and private agencies to achieve its goals, and has membership in a group of national and international committees and bodies that contribute to developing transportation policies and enhancing cooperation between the various parties concerned.


In conclusion, the General Transport Authority is considered the cornerstone of the development of the transportation sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and works hard to achieve sustainable development goals by improving the quality of services and providing an advanced transportation environment. Its development and growth reflects the Kingdom’s commitment to enhancing transportation infrastructure and supporting Vision 2030, making it One of the most prominent actors in this field.


The importance of the Doc Suite systemHR for institutions that use the General Authority for Transport platform

Knows Doc Suite systemHR is an integrated tool for human resources management that aims to simplify and improve administrative processes within institutions. This system plays a vital role in supporting institutions that use the General Authority for Transport platform by providing a wide range of features that enhance efficiency and accuracy in managing employees and meeting the requirements of the General Authority for Transport.

Let's review how DocSuite contributesHR in this context:


  1. Attendance and departure management

One of the fundamental aspects of the Doc Suite systemHR is its ability to track and manage employee attendance records accurately and effectively. With the increase in the volume of work and the diversity of activities supervised by the Public Transport Authority, it becomes necessary for organizations to ensure the accuracy of attendance and departure data to ensure compliance with regulations and legislation.

Doc Sweet offersHR provides an advanced attendance monitoring system, which includes real-time tracking, recording changes, and dealing with any exceptions that may occur. This helps organizations maintain accurate and up-to-date records, ensuring compliance with the requirements of the General Authority for Transport and reducing human errors.

  1. Management of leaves and absences

The leave and absence management system is an important part of the DocSuite systemHR, which allows organizations to manage leave and absence requests easily and effectively. The system provides tools for submitting leave requests, monitoring the status of requests, and managing and approving permissions. This helps in improving planning and management of the workforce, as it provides a clear view of the available human resources and helps in planning resources according to the requirements of the General Authority for Transport.

  1. Preparing reports and analysis

Provides dock suite systemHR Advanced tools for preparing reports and analyzing data related to human resources. Organizations can obtain detailed reports on attendance, performance, and compliance with policies. These reports are not only useful for internal management, but also play an important role in providing the required information to the Public Transport Authority, which enhances transparency and ensures Compliance with the requirements of the Public Transport Authority.

  1. Strengthen internal communication

The Dock Suite system contributesHR improves internal communication between teams and departments within the organization. The system provides integrated communication channels and tools for interaction between employees and managers, which facilitates the exchange of information and requests faster and more efficiently. This contributes to achieving better harmony between individuals and teams, and enhances the ability to deal with any requirements. Or changes made by the General Transport Authority.

  1. Integration with the authority's systems

One of the standout features of the Dock Suite systemHR is its ability to integrate with various systems, including the General Authority for Transport platform. This integration enhances the ability to exchange data smoothly and securely, which contributes to improving the accuracy of information and facilitating the process of compliance with regulatory requirements. It also helps speed up the process of processing applications and submitting the necessary reports to the Authority more efficiently.


In conclusion, the DocSuite system representsHR is a vital tool for institutions that deal with the General Transport Authority’s platform, as it contributes to improving human resources management and enhancing efficiency and compliance. By providing effective tools for managing attendance, leaves, and reports, the system contributes to meeting the Authority’s requirements and achieving organizational goals effectively.



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