Tamheer Program: A gateway to a promising career future

The Tamheer Program is a pioneering national initiative that contributes significantly to enabling young Saudi graduates of universities, colleges and institutes to enter the labor market with high skills and competencies that meet their diverse need

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Tamheer Program: A gateway to a promising career future
Tamheer Program: A gateway to a promising career future


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Tamheer Program: A gateway to a promising career future

 In a world where development steps are accelerating and the needs of the labor market are constantly changing, it has become necessary to provide young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure their effective integration into various fields. Realizing the importance of this matter, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia launched the Tamheer Program with the aim of qualifying new graduates of both sexes to enter the labor market and gain experience.  The process needed to successfully start their career.


 In this article, we will learn more about the Tamheer program.


 What is the Tamheer program?


 The Tamheer Program is a pioneering national initiative offered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to young Saudi graduates of universities, colleges and institutes, with the aim of providing paid training opportunities in various sectors. The program aims to provide graduates with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to enhance their potential and develop their capabilities, in preparation for their entry into the labor market with high skills and competencies that meet  His diverse needs.


 Tamheer seeks to achieve many lofty goals, the most important of which are:


 Reducing unemployment rates among youth: by providing training opportunities that contribute to graduates gaining practical experience and enhancing their skills, which reduces unemployment rates and increases their chances of obtaining suitable jobs.


 Raising the level of workforce skills: The program contributes to developing the skills and capabilities of graduates, which enhances the efficiency of the national workforce and contributes to improving productivity and innovation in various sectors.


 Meeting the needs of the labor market: The program helps meet the needs of the labor market by providing companies and institutions with qualified and trained human cadres at the highest level.


 Supporting economic development: The program contributes to advancing economic development by enhancing youth participation in various fields and motivating them to create and innovate.


 Advantages of the Tamheer program


 Tamheer offers many benefits to the youth who participate in it, including:


 Receiving a monthly stipend: Trainees in the program receive a monthly stipend that contributes to covering their living expenses.


 Gaining practical experience: The program provides trainees with the opportunity to gain practical experience in a real work environment, which helps them apply what they have learned theoretically and enhance their practical skills.


 Developing personal skills: The program contributes to developing the trainees’ personal skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem solving.


 Increased chances of obtaining a job: The experience and skills that trainees gain in the program enhance their chances of obtaining suitable jobs after the end of the training period.


 Conditions for applying for the Tamheer program

 To apply for the program, the applicant must meet the following conditions:


 To be of Saudi nationality.

 He must have a university degree or a technical, health, or administrative diploma from one of the recognized educational institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It must not have been more than two years since his graduation.

 He must not have previously benefited from a previous Tamheer programme.

 He must not have registered in the Social Insurance systems or the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for any job during the six months prior to applying.


 Steps to apply for the program

 To apply for the program, applicants can follow the following steps:


 Visit Tamheer’s website.

 Create a new account or log in to an existing account.

 Complete the electronic application form.

 Attach the required documents.

 Review the request and confirm its submission.


 Tamheer program duration:


 The duration of Tamheer ranges from 3 to 6 months, depending on the specialty and nature of the work.


 The Tamheer Program is a pioneering national initiative that contributes significantly to enabling young Saudi graduates of universities, colleges and institutes to enter the labor market with high skills and competencies that meet their diverse needs. By providing paid training opportunities and gaining practical experiences, the program helps reduce unemployment rates among youth and enhance  National workforce skills and support economic development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


 Recognizing the importance of the role played by the Tamheer Program in achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, efforts are being made to continuously enhance and develop the program, by expanding its scope to include more specializations and sectors, providing advanced training programs that meet the needs of the changing labor market, and strengthening the partnership between the public and private sectors to ensure the success of the program.  And achieve its desired goals.


 The Tamheer Program is an exceptional opportunity for Saudi youth to successfully build their careers and achieve their ambitions in various fields. We call on all Saudi youth, graduates of universities, colleges and institutes, to take advantage of this pioneering opportunity and invest in their skills and abilities to contribute to achieving the comprehensive development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


 There are some tips for young people who want to apply for the Tamheer program, which are:

 Search for the specialties and sectors that participate in the program.

 Make sure you meet the application requirements.

 Prepare a strong resume that highlights your skills and experience

 Prepare for the job interview

 Be enthusiastic and have a strong will to learn


 The role of the Tamheer program in achieving the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030

 Recruitment experts expect the labor market in Saudi Arabia to grow significantly in the coming years, thanks to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which focuses on diversifying the economy and creating new job opportunities. The demand will increase in particular for graduates with technical skills and soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem solving.  .


 The Tamheer Program plays an important role in achieving the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 through:


 Providing young people with the skills and knowledge necessary to enter the labor market.

 Enhancing the skills of the national workforce.

 Supporting entrepreneurship and innovation.

 Contributing to the diversification of the economy.

 Achieving comprehensive and sustainable development.


The relationship of the Doc Suite HR system with programs similar to the Tamheer program


 DocSuite HR is an integrated human resources management system that offers a wide range of features and functions to support companies in their various human resources operations, including:


 Recruitment: Managing the recruitment process from advertising jobs to selecting suitable candidates.


 Payroll and Benefits Administration: Managing employee salaries and benefits, including taxes and social contributions.


 Evaluation and Performance: Evaluate the performance of employees and provide them with feedback.


 Training and Development: Managing training and development programs for employees.


 Leave Management: Manage leave requests for employees.


 Attendance management: tracking employee attendance and departure.


 Employee Personal File Management: Save and manage employee personal files.


 The Doc Suite HR system’s relationship with programs similar to the Tamheer program is:


 The Doc Suite HR system can be linked to programs similar to the Tamheer program in various ways, which helps enhance the effectiveness of human resources management and supports the process of qualifying and training new graduates. Here are some examples of these relationships:


 Identifying training needs: The Doc Suite HR system can be linked to Tamheer programs to determine the training needs of new employees based on their skills and experience.


 Registration of trainees: The DocSuite HR system can be used to register trainees in the program and manage their data.


 Follow-up of trainees’ progress: The Doc Suite HR system can be used to monitor trainees’ progress in the program and evaluate their performance.


 Issuing graduation certificates: The Doc Suite HR system can be used to issue graduation certificates to trainees who successfully complete the program.


 Integrating graduates into the workforce: Doc Suite HR can be used to integrate Tamheer graduates into the workforce by employing them or helping them find suitable jobs.


 Benefits of linking the Doc Suite HR system with programs similar to Tamheer:


 Improving the efficiency of human resources management processes.


 Strengthening the process of qualifying and training new graduates.


 Increasing employment opportunities for Tamheer program graduates.


 Improving the skills and capabilities of the workforce.


 Strengthening cooperation between the public and private sectors.


 In general, linking the Doc Suite HR system with programs similar to the Tamheer program is an effective way to enhance human resources management and support qualification and training programs for new graduates, which contributes to achieving the goals of economic and social development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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