download Human Resources Management Book: Strategic Vision and Practical Applications

The book Human Resources Management: A Strategic Vision and Practical Applications adds that human resources management means the optimal use of the available and expected human element, and the organization’s efficiency and success in reaching its g

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download Human Resources Management Book: Strategic Vision and Practical Applications
download Human Resources Management Book: Strategic Vision and Practical Applications

Authors: Sami Boudbous and Khaled Zehmoul

Summary of the Book "Human Resource Management: A Strategic Vision and Practical Applications"

The book "Human Resource Management: A Strategic Vision and Practical Applications" emphasizes that human resource management is one of the most crucial functions in administration due to its focus on the human element, which is the most valuable resource and the most impactful on productivity. Human resource management and development are fundamental pillars in most institutions, aiming to enhance organizational capabilities and enable institutions to attract and train the necessary talents to meet current and future challenges. Human resources can significantly contribute to achieving the goals and profitability of the institution.

The book also adds that human resource management means the optimal use of available and expected human resources. The efficiency and success of an institution in achieving its goals depend on the competency, abilities, experience, and enthusiasm of its human resources. Therefore, management scholars have established principles and foundations to maximize the benefits of each individual within the institution through human resource management. These foundations start from planning, selection, training, incentives, evaluation, and everything related to the human element.

The book explains that the historical stages of human resource management development have shaped the vision regarding the human element, emphasizing its significant importance. Unlike in the past, when employees were merely seen as static elements of production or mere numbers on the sidelines, today, they are considered the strategic and intellectual capital of the institution.

The book praises the conviction of institutions that human resources are a strategic weapon in the struggle for survival and growth. This has led to the necessity of considering these resources as a strategic partner with a vital role within the institution's strategy. This involves linking the institution's goals and strategies with human resource activities. Thus, the success of the strategy and the achievement of set goals depend on having the right number and types of human resources with the necessary competencies to perform the tasks involved in the strategy. The institution's strategy affects the characteristics of many functions and their skill requirements, and therefore, the mix of appropriate human resources to fill these functions to meet execution requirements.

The book further notes that because human resource management allows the institution to obtain the necessary human resources in quantity and quality, it is essential to provide the necessary competencies to achieve its goals effectively, develop and maintain these resources, and optimally invest their energies and capabilities. This administration emphasizes its importance and status in the institution by building a capable human resource through its various practices, capable of facing environmental changes and providing the institution with a competitive advantage compared to its rivals.

The book concludes that human resource management is one of the most important administrative functions in institutions, as important as other functions. Its role extends beyond routine tasks such as issuing employee decisions, regulating attendance and departure times, scheduling vacations, and determining wages. It also involves fundamental aspects such as retaining human resources, motivating them, boosting their morale, ensuring their loyalty and stability within the institution, and thus benefiting from their capabilities and dedication to serving the institution and achieving its goals, leading to excellence and superiority over competing institutions.

To achieve this goal, the author has dedicated the first chapter to highlight the importance of the human resource for modern business organizations in light of the developments of the 21st century.

The focus is primarily on the new strategic role of human resources. The second chapter discusses the functions of human resource management in light of the strategic challenges facing organizations, addressing the question of how HR functions can contribute to achieving strategic goals.

The third chapter discusses the role of competencies in achieving competitive advantages for the institution and the relationship of this excellence to HR functions.

Finally, the fourth chapter revolves around electronic human resource management, which has created a new intellectual state leading to a deep change in HR management tasks and methods.

The book "Human Resource Management: A Strategic Vision and Practical Applications" by Sami Boudbous and Khaled Zehmoul is an essential read that thoroughly covers the subject, providing comprehensive and revised research that will interest researchers and students in the field.


How the DocSuite HR System Relates to the Book

The DocSuite HR system is a technology-based human resource management system that enables companies to manage various HR aspects such as recruitment, performance, payroll, benefits, and more. The system aims to simplify and unify HR processes by providing companies with a comprehensive and powerful platform for managing their workforce.

The book "Human Resource Management: A Strategic Vision and Practical Applications" offers insights and theoretical frameworks on HR management from a strategic perspective, covering various aspects like recruitment, training, evaluation, strategic planning, and more.

The relationship between the system and the book lies in the fact that the DocSuite HR system can be used to apply the strategies and practices discussed in the book. For example, the system can implement recruitment and training plans recommended by the book and improve the effectiveness of HR operations and enhance the employee experience. Overall, the system reflects the concepts and ideas of the book in practical applications.

You can download the book directly from here.


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