download Studying the impact of the human resources information system in the knowledge economy

The study of the impact of the human resources information system in the knowledge economy confirms that information in large organizations, especially those operating in a highly competitive environment, is a capital resource and one of the strategi

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Studying the impact of the human resources information system in the knowledge economy
Studying the impact of the human resources information system in the knowledge economy

Author: Miraj Hawari

Summary of the Study "The Impact of Human Resource Information Systems on the Knowledge Economy"

This research aims to study and determine the impact of human resource information systems (HRIS) outputs (quantity, timing, flexibility) on the knowledge economy, specifically the cost and production of knowledge, as well as the importance of these variables in the Iron and Steel Corporation in Algeria. The research is divided into four parts: the first part covers the research methodology, the second part presents a theoretical overview of the research variables, the third part discusses and analyzes the results of the empirical study, and the fourth part provides conclusions and recommendations. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to 40 managers at various levels (General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Executive Manager). Based on the analysis of the questionnaire results and the theoretical discussion, several conclusions were reached:

  1. The researched organization shows weak interest in developing HRIS to ensure the acquisition of useful information for managing the knowledge economy.
  2. The organization's weak application of knowledge economy principles is due to its low reliance on HRIS outputs.
  3. The importance and level of HRIS outputs in the organization are inadequate.
  4. The significance and level of the knowledge economy in the organization are weak due to a lack of focus on the knowledge economy.
  5. There is no significant impact of HRIS characteristics in the company, indicating the research hypothesis was not met.

The study "The Impact of Human Resource Information Systems on the Knowledge Economy" emphasizes that information in large organizations, especially those operating in highly competitive environments, is a capital resource and a strategic asset that enhances productivity and efficiency. HRIS plays a crucial role in managing knowledge economically by providing management with essential knowledge and facilitating the transfer and storage of knowledge for reuse. Although most industrial organizations possess HRIS facilities and knowledge, they need to learn the appropriate ways to use this system in managing the knowledge economy and achieving returns from it by studying its impact.

The study adds that in the current environment, which is rich in knowledge but lacks economic independence for this knowledge in Algerian industrial institutions, a deeper understanding of the topic is needed. This involves adopting modern concepts and techniques to improve knowledge economy management and building efficient information systems that support the operations of these organizations. The research focuses on a problem faced by Algerian industrial institutions, namely the weak reliance on HRIS outputs in supporting knowledge management and the knowledge economy. Therefore, the study examines the impact of HRIS outputs on achieving the knowledge economy in a sample of Algerian industrial sector institutions.

The importance of the study lies in addressing two main variables: HRIS and the knowledge economy, both of which are significant in contemporary management literature. It sheds light on the reality of these variables in the Algerian environment, particularly in the industrial sector.

The study aims to highlight the level and importance of the research variables in the sample and to demonstrate the impact of HRIS on achieving the knowledge economy, using developed measures from researchers in the field of information systems and the knowledge economy.


Relationship Between the DocSuite HR System and the Study "The Impact of Human Resource Information Systems on the Knowledge Economy"

The DocSuite HR system is used to manage HR-related matters in companies, such as payroll, attendance, and performance evaluations. In contrast, the study on the impact of HRIS on the knowledge economy examines how HRIS affects the development and improvement of productivity and innovation in companies, thereby influencing the economy.

The relationship between them lies in the fact that the DocSuite HR system can be part of an HRIS that enhances the knowledge economy by efficiently and systematically organizing and managing HR information.

You can download the study "The Impact of Human Resource Information Systems on the Knowledge Economy" directly from here.


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