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The People Leadership book explains that leadership very simply means the ability to influence others to move them and push them to achieve general goals. Fathers are leaders as well as mothers, and even young children lead, and major units lead.

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People leadership book
People leadership book

Author: Group of Authors

Summary of the Book "Leading People"

Taking on leadership is not something that happens through osmosis. If you truly want to become an inspiring leader, you must work hard to achieve this goal. This guide offers valuable advice on how to:

  • Create an environment filled with trust.
  • Adapt to changing situations.
  • Use persuasion to influence others.

About the Pocket Book Series

 "Leading People" is part of a series of scientific pocket books that provide direct solutions to the recurring challenges faced by managers daily. Each book in this series is filled with practical tools, tested in the field, and real-life examples to help you identify your managerial strengths and weaknesses, sharpen critical and creative skills, and offer immediate solutions to common managerial challenges. Whether you are at your desk, in a meeting, or on your way to work, these books can assist you in addressing the daily demands of your job more quickly, effectively, and efficiently.

Other Books in This Series Include:

  • Leading Teams
  • Time Management
  • Training Individuals
  • Business Correspondence
  • Meeting Management
  • Project Management
  • Leading People
  • Understanding Financial Language

The book "Leading People" asserts that when we hear the word "leader," we often picture great men and women who emerge in times of crisis and make decisions that significantly change the course of humanity. We enjoy reading about them, watching movies about their lives, and telling stories about them. Unfortunately, these images reinforce the notion that to be a leader, one must be present at that golden moment and possess the ability to motivate and stir emotions in thousands of people. However, leadership is not about these grand gestures.

"Leading People" explains that leadership simply means the ability to influence others to move and achieve general goals. Parents are leaders, as are mothers, and even small children lead in their own ways. Main units also lead.

The book adds that we have all likely practiced leadership in some form. To confirm this, think back to a time when you influenced others through the decisions you made, how you spent your time and money, or simply through a discussion that impacted what others were doing. The goal of this book is not to teach you how to lead but to provide basic ideas and concepts to help you lead more effectively.

"Leading People" poses the question, "Where should you start?" Start with the goal. There's little point in trying to influence others if you don't have a clear goal you want them to achieve. What is your vision? What is your desired outcome? What do you aspire to achieve? This might seem simple, but it is crucial and highly important. Skilled leaders know exactly what goal they are striving for. They not only know their destination but also why they are heading there. If you can't answer these questions—where are you going? And why are you going there?—you will spend a lot of time moving back and forth without reaching a specific goal.

Finally, the book "Leading People" offers a word of caution: "Don't wait for others to clarify your vision." This confirms that you are merely a follower waiting for someone else to take on the leadership role. Do you know why? Because you know more than they do about your work, your life, your customers, your ambitions, aspirations, and desires. So why wait for them? Leaders do not wait.


Relationship Between DocSuite HR System and "Leading People"

The DocSuite HR system is used to manage HR matters in companies, including recruitment, performance management, training, payroll, and more. On the other hand, the book "Leading People" discusses leadership and the development of the necessary skills to succeed in managing individuals and teams.

The relationship between them lies in the fact that the DocSuite HR system helps organize and manage administrative processes related to employees, while "Leading People" provides concepts and principles that can help leaders and managers understand how to effectively lead and motivate employees.

You can download the book "Leading People" directly from here.


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