Author: Trevor Young
Summary of the Book "Managing Projects Successfully"
Trevor Young has over 30 years of experience leading project teams and has spent nine years as a consultant for the Industrial Society. He has also provided consultancy services to numerous organizations on management development programs and has authored several well-received books on project management.
The goal of "Managing Projects Successfully" is to assist in using a scientific approach to improve the way the next project is initiated and managed, overcoming some of the factors that hinder success.
The book tells us that project management has become a significant focus in all types of businesses over the past years. This renewed interest has produced a lot of literature on the subject. So, how can "Managing Projects Successfully" help? The objective is to outline the steps that can significantly increase the likelihood of project success. The content targets managers who are interested in achieving better project results within their organizations, as well as project managers who, whether by chance or design, find themselves responsible for one or more projects. This requires a starting point based on a simple but meaningful assumption—that you already have some experience, at least from participating in one or more projects. You might have considered your last project a success and now seek to enhance that success.
As you know, increasing the degree of success in achieving results is more appreciated. You may be less fortunate and have participated in a project that was deemed a failure. In common experiences, once a project is labeled anything less than successful, the story becomes a legend passed down by everyone, even if it’s not true. News of failure spreads like wildfire, and everyone knows about it and identifies the reasons for the project’s failure. Unfortunately, the legend will point to you as the primary failure since you were the project manager.
Of course, success in any venture cannot be guaranteed. Many factors affect the steps that lead to success, some of which are predictable, while others are not easily foreseen. The aim of "Managing Projects Successfully" is to help by using a practical approach to develop how the next project is initiated and managed to overcome some factors that impede success. The first chapter discusses concepts of success and how we can define project success. The second chapter highlights the importance of creating a suitable environment for success and the roles and responsibilities in this environment for the success of all projects.
The third chapter of "Managing Projects Successfully" identifies the project process stages and the essential steps to success. Chapters four and five focus on the initial concept and project definition stage. Chapter six specifically covers how to deal with stakeholders, which is a crucial step for success.
Chapter seven discusses how to manage project risks, another important step for success, while chapters eight to ten focus on the planning, execution, and closing phases of the project.
Throughout "Managing Projects Successfully," you will find short guidance lists that you can use and add your own appropriate questions. You will also find notes, which are specific guiding points to draw attention as you strive for your project's success.
Applying the methods mentioned here may require you to change your way of working and set aside some practices that have become habits. Changing habits will not be a prerequisite, especially since you believe your work practices have served you well so far. This conflict might make you uncomfortable as you enter an area where you lack experience. All processes and techniques discussed in "Managing Projects Successfully" have proven to be practical methods that provide assistance. It will be in your best interest to learn them all and find ways to apply them to your specific situations. Everything discussed here can be applied to any type of project, regardless of the nature of the work or whether the client is internal or external to the organization. Finally, you will find some additional readings that you will need when working on project development.
Relationship Between DocSuite HR System and "Managing Projects Successfully"
The DocSuite HR system is used to manage employee-related information, such as personal data, salaries, leave, and monthly reports. Meanwhile, "Managing Projects Successfully" focuses on how to plan, organize, execute, and manage projects effectively.
The relationship between them lies in the fact that the DocSuite HR system provides the necessary tools for managing the team and employees working on a specific project. For example, it can be used to define tasks, assign the appropriate human resources to projects, and track individual and group performance.
Additionally, the DocSuite HR system can be used to organize work schedules and tasks for employees involved in projects, enhancing communication and collaboration among them, which boosts effectiveness and success in project management.
You can download "Managing Projects Successfully" directly from here.